Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Toot Chap: 42. an Expefitio',ropes the Book of 0 8. Vert. s4, profperìty. The Scripture faith, Light is Town for the righteonr. They may be in the dark, ina dark day, is a day asdark as night, and where the very light (as job fpake, Chap. ro.) is as dark- nefs ; but there is a Day coming, Light it fown for the righteous. jobmight fay, I have been in the darknight of afibidiion, but now us break of day with me; and therefore that I may remember this goodnefs of God, my fir(i daughter (hall be named Dal, that her name may helpme to remember thegoodnefs of God all my dayes. Again, When he called his fecond daughter Kezia, that allo might refer to his newflare. As if he had laid, My former con- dition of (link and filch is paffed away ; I once fate (as it were) upon adunghil, being little better than dungmy felf, fullof ul- cerous (oars ; my breach favour'd fo ill, that my Wife could not endure me, and I was anoffence to all neer me but now the Lord bath renewedmy fleth, as the fle(hof achild , now I am fweet and clean, my favour is like a perfume ; and therefore my feconddaughters name (hall be Kez,a, Spiceor perfume. job might alfo fay, My lateafflic`iion was a (late of deformi- ty, I was black and uncomely, my face was allas a fcab, andmy body as a fore , mycountenance was flurr'd with tearsand weep- ing (a; he complained, Chap. 16. t 6. )1 there was no beauty in me ; job might fay of himfelf in that fiate, as it is laid of Chrifl in the Prophefie, tYhen we beheld him there Well no beauty, no comelinefs inhim : but now my fores are healed, now I have re- covered my former firength,frefhnefs and comelinefs ; and there- fore, the name of this daughter (hall be, The horn of beauty, to mind me how the Lordbathgiven me beauty for afhes, andgar- ments of joyfor afpirit of heavinefr,. Thus he might very well, and very pioufly,.give his children.thefenames, to mind him of the blefied changewhich the Lord had made in his outwardconditi- on. And this is the reafonof that tranflation before mentioned, of the name of the third daughter, called Keren-bappucb, The born of Converfion , intimating how great a change the Lordhad made in hishorn; his horn was in the duff before, it was empty and had nothing in it but filth, whereas now it is become or turned to be a Hornof plenty. Jobs earswas changed frompo- vertyro plenty, and his horn railed from thedull to honour and dignity; and therefore he called the name of his third daughter Koren=