Ghap.42. an Expofition upon the Book of J o a. Verf.rq: Karen-bappucb, The barn of Convert ;on, or, The change of the Horn. Thus yob might have great reafon to call his daughters by thefe names, with refpe& to the change of hiscondition. Hence obferve ; Godly Parents do well, when theygivefuck names to their children, as may be memorials of the providences of Clod toward; them. 3ofeph had a mighty turn in his elate, as the Pfalmi.fh epiro- mizeth the Hifiory of Mofes in GeneCis concerning him (P¡al. r o 5 . 17,18, 19, 26, &c.) He wasfoldfora fervaot, hisfeet wereburr withfetters, he was laid in irons,until the time that hie word came ; the word of the Lordtryedhim : The King lent and loafed him, be made him Lordof his hosefc,and Ruler ofall his fabffance, &c. This Jojepb had two Eons in the Land of Egypt, after this turn of his efface ; but what were t heir names ? The Text anfwers (Gen. 41. 51, 52.) and he called the name of hisfirfl-bornNfanaffeth, which 6gnifieth forgetfulnefs; and he giveth this reafon of it ; for (faid he) God bath mademeforget all my toyl, andall myfathers bou/e. And the name of thefecond called he Ephraim, which figni- fiethfruitful; for (laid he) God bath caufcdme to befruitful in the land of my ajil:Elion He was once very much affli &ed, and now hewas very fruitful ; therefore, hecalled the name of his younger fon, Ephraim, that he might remember the kindnefs of God to him, as oftenas he beheld or fpake to, or of, that fon. SoMofes calledhis IonGerThom ( ffranger) for belaid, Ihave been aflranger ina flrange Land (Evil. 2.22.) We find alío names given to things, as well as to perlons, by way of remembrance. Thus (r Sam. 7. 12.) after a great vi&ory obtained againfi the Philiflines, Samuellet upa Rene, and gave it a name, He called it Eben-ezar, or the Stone ofkelp : The reafon was,for (laidhe) hitherto tbeLordbathhelped ue.The nameof the ffone,was,to mind themof the Lords confiant readinefs to help them, even unto that day. So Motu (exod. 17.) after that great deliverance from the Amalekites, built an Altar, and called it Jehovah niffi, which fagnifieth, the Lord is myBanner, to put them in remembrance how the Lord went forth as a man of War, and mightily con- founded their enemies. There is a prudence to be ufed in the names, both of things and perfons. We read (Gen. so. 25.) Mmmmmm a Veto roo;