Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

aoo4 Chap. 4z. an Expo(itios upon the Book, of J o s. Verf. i 4, Vnto Eber wereborn two fans, and the nameof throne be called Peleg; and why Peleg ? for in his days (faith that Text )was the earth divided. Peleg fignifieth divifion. The whole world,which laybefore as one common field in his day.=, was divided andcan- toniz'd into feveral Countries, therefore his name was called Pe- leg. And, as many names have been given from pall or prefent providences, fo fotne names have been given, as at were , by i rophefie,with refpe l to after providences(Gtn.5.zg.) Lameeb lived a hundred eightyand two years,and begat afon, and calledhis nameNoah,w° fignifieth re(}.Why fo?not from a providence that was part or prefent, but from what he believed fhouldbe; Far this fame (raid he) Mall comfort us concerning our work, and toyl of our hands, becaufe of the ground which the Lord bath curfad. Thus much of the names of fobs daughters, as they fignified the pro- vidences of God towards him, and the turn of his flare. Secondly,VVemay confider there names,with reference to the perfonal qualifications or endowments of his daughters, and thole twofold;FtrP, their corporal & external qualifications. Secondly, their fpiritual & internal qualifications, which we may well con ceive fob had a chief refpeá unto, in giving them theft names. Firft, He called the name of thefirfl femona, or, Day, there- by fignifying, Fir{f, the clear natural beautyof that daughter, or the brightnefs of her complexion like the brightnefs of the day, or as if fhe (lined in beauty like the day, when beautified by the beams of theSun. Thus Chrifl (-pike of the Chu-ch (Cant. 6. to.) Wbois fbe that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the Moon, clear as theSun ? lobs elder} daughter looked forth as the day, (he was of a refplendent comelinefs e and we may well fuppofe,Yob,who gave her thisname, had prayed (he might have, and hoped (he would have, and doubtlefs in her time (hehad not only a beautiful face, and a comly featureofbody,but (which is far better) a beautiful foul, awell -featured difpofitron of mind, much grace and goodnefs ; in which fenfe, the Church (in the place lafi mentioned)is Paid tolook forth as thesnorning,to be fair as the Moon, and clear as the Sun. The name Day, doth very well fhadow, both the virgin beauty of the body, and the divine unfpotted beauty, of the foul. Secondly, he might call her fo, thereby fignifying, that as the day is fvveet and .pleasant, fo was ale, both as to her bodily afpec9t in comelinefs, and the afpe6t her