Chap. 42. AnËxpofition upon the Bookof Jo B. Verf14. hpeïS her foul in holinefs. Thirdly, (fay fome)he called her name Day, vnadiesape. becaufe beauty(bodily beauty they mean) is of no long conti- ritfufiar#tuna nuance, it is but, as it were, for a day ; like a flower, which a day dies. opens and withers. He called the fecond Kezia, or as one of the Ancients ren- ders, Cafa, frgnifying fpiceand perfume, to note that the was of a fragrant temper, of a winning difpoficion and conver- fation. Grace and vertue yield the fweetefi finell in the noarils of God, and of all good men. The Church (Cant. 1. 3.) faith of Chrift, Becaufeof thefavour of thygood ointments, thy name is an ointment poured forth ; therefore do the virgins love thee. Theft ointments were the precious graces of Chrif+. Tis fo in Tome proportion, with all the godly; their ointments (the union of theSpirit poured upon them) call a delightful favour. Solo- mon faith (Eec!. 7. 1.) A good name is better than precious oint- ment. A good name, artfing from good qualities, from grace re- ceived and a&ed, is the mot{ precious ointment, more precious than all the ointments which affe& the fenfe. Tobe 1errrima, beautiful in body as the day, and not to be Kezia, not to have a fpirit Tweet as Caffia,what is ir, but a piece of pageantry, or gild- ing upon a common poll? fob called the name of the 3d ICeren-bappucb,or, Horn of beau- ty; Firt+, with refpe& to her out -fide, intimating, that The was a great beauty. Some fay,(he was called Keren-happuch by an An- tiphraftt, becaufe the needed not, much left ufed, the horn of beauty to make berfelfbeautiful; the was evenbeauty it fell: Her natural beauty exceeded all that artificial beauty which proud women make Phew of, by painting their faces. She was alCo a born of beauty, as to her graces and fpiritual endowments. Thusjob might give his daughters thefe names, not only with refpe& to the change of his condition, but confidering the conditions of his daughters, both with refpe& to their bodily beauty, and the divine excellencyof grace bellowed upon their fouls. Hence note ; It is good to givenames, exciting to vertue andto duty. The names of Yob's three daughters, Day, Perfume, Horn of Nomine bona beauty, might flit them up to approve themfelves fuch as their calcar advio- names tutem habent..