Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 42. anExpofstion upon theBookon o !;, Verf.14, God ? Again, what will it benefit a woman to be called Sufanna, which fignifieth a Lilly ( a beautiful flower) if Ore be not like that !illy among thorns, the Church (Cant. 2. 2.) but only a !illy in the wildernefs of this world ? What will it benefit a woman to be called Tamar, which fignifieth a Palm- tree, tall and (trait, if her fell be of a low, bate, andcrooked dì pofition. ' fis better to be a crooked throb in bodily flature, than a tail firait Palm- tree with a crooked mind, and a low fpirir. To be named Je- mima, as fair as Day ; to be named Kczia, as fweet as fpicc or perfume ; to be called Keren-bappuch, as beautiful as the very horn of beauty ; what will it advantageany women, unlefs they have real venues, and gracious qualities anfwering thrfenames ? Yea, thefe nameswill be real wirneffes againfl them at lafl, and fill their faces with fhame. To profefs our felves to be, or to have a name to be, what we are not, is tobe deeply hypocritical ; and tobear that inour names which we are nor, nor take any care to be, is highly difgraceful. But when names are fulfilled in perlons; when men and women, who wear good names, are or do the good fignified by their names, howprecious are their names ! and their memories, how honorable ! And when the good or vertues of the three feminine names in the Text meet and center in the perfon of any one woman ; when jemima, the day-light of true knowledge and under (landing is joyned with Ktzsa, the perfume of reputation, afcending from Keren-bappuch,,(lore of beautiful graces, put fo th ib the gracious aecions of a fpotlefs-and unblameable converfa ion ; what Pencil is able to draw to the life the ravifbing features of fuch a perfon ? Such, I believe, were -thole noble Ladies, jobs daughters, named in the Text, which was the joy of their fathers heart, and the (laff of his old age. Thus much of the namts of Tobs daughters, and of the fignifi- cation of them ; both in reference to the thenprefent change of fobs eflate, and the hope he had of their future good efiate ; with refpea to the beauty and gracefulnefs of their bodies, but efpeci- ally to the beauty and gractoufnefs of their fouls or minds. Now as thebeauty and venues too of Yobs threedaughters were implyed, and wrapt up in their names, fo their beauty is plainly expref{cd in the nextwords. YCrf.. 1007