Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

IcoS Chap. 42. e/n Expofitton upon the Book of J o s. Verf. a 5. Verf. 1 5. Andin all the land were no women found fo fair as the daugheers ofJob, and their father gave them inhe- ritanceamong their brethren. In this verfe we have two things concerning fobs daughters. Firff, The fupereminency of their beauty. Secondly, The great- nefs of their dowry or portions, bellowed on them by the bounty of their father. The former we have at the beginning of the verte. And in all the land were no women found fo fair as the daughters of Job. When 'Lis Paid, in all the land, we are to underffand it of all ,T fo. the land of Vz : Yet the Septuagint extend it:to all lands all the vov.Ineaque world over, rendring all under heaven ; but the word in the Ori- ftb ceto.sept. ginal will not reach Co far, though the truth might. But in all that Tota terra eft land were no women (or women kind, as Wier Broughton reads) fub redo; file found fo fair, that is, none were fo fair as they. The word found autetu refirin- gituradcer- is to be taken as in that of Mofes (Exod. 35. 23.) Every man tatnRegielne. with whom was found (that is, with whom there was, or who had) Dent. blue and purple, &c. brought them : And as in that which is fpoken of Chrift ( Phil. 2. 8.) He was found (that is, he was or appeared) in the formof a man. So ((Alai. 2. 6. 2 Chron. 19. 3.) For we are not to conceive that there was an inquiry or [catch made amongl+ all the women of the land of Vz. who was faireR, and that upon the return, none were found fo fair and beautiful as jobs daughters : The meaning is only this, none were known fo fair as they, or they had no known Peers in fairnefs ; and this is a fufficient proof, that thof notablenames were not given °obs daughters without a caufe, either feen or forefeen, at 'eel def red, the ifiue anlwe ring the delire ; In all the land there were none fo fair as they. There is a bodily fairnefs, and a foul fairnefs. The word into which we render the Hebrew fignifieth properly the fairnefs of idon funt in- the face or body : but the Septuagint tranflate it by a word figni- venta'juxta fying thefouls fairnefs ; They fay, Nowomen were foundbetter than filies lob me the daughters of Job. Theirgoodnefs without quetfion, as it was liareseis. far more excellent in it felf, fo more conrentful and delightful to ept. him than their fairnefs. But we may very well take in both,as was hinted