Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

a Chap. 42. c/If Expo /itionupon the Book of Jo B. Verf. z 5, them, they mutt have artifical let-offs. Again, much beauty maketh many difdainful of others; and they whoare fo, are un- der the difdain of God ; and it hadbeen much better for fuch, if they hadbeen the verieft Doudes(as fome call unhandfome ones) or the mop deformed creatures in the world. Therefore (I fay) remember there is a loare in beauty to thofe that have it ; yet by how much beauty bath the more temptation in it, by fo much are they the more to be commended, who beingbeautiful, overcome thofe temptations, and continue humble, model+, chaff, difcreer, and diligent, avoiding evil, with all theoccafions of it, turning from every vanity, and doinggood. Secondly, Beauty isoften a fnare to others. When the Perfi- an Captive Ladies were prefebted to Alexander the c reat,hecall- ed them, The fores or pain of the eyes ; He was afraid theymight wholly conquer him, who had conquered fo great a part of the world. What reafon have any tobe proud of that, which may in- fnare,and fo undo, both themfelvesand others ? Secondly, Confider there is nothing more frail, nor fooner lot than bodily beauty. A little forrow, a few tears, (poil and fully a a fair face ; a fit of ficknefs withereth beauty, and, inevitably, Ef#esigui do old age will do it ; at heft, °cis quickly gone, and every day,when ruralrebeta, once at belt, abates it ; the longer you have ir, the lets you have înHtppot. of it. Some conceive (as I toucht before) that Job called hit teldeff daughter Jimima, Day, becaufe beauty laffeth but as it were a day ; one daybloweth it, and another dayblafteth ir. Forme manes Thirdly, Beauty endangers the weaker fex to become a prey r idáantur. to the tuffs of adulterous men, who often lye in wait for fucha booty. So then, though beauty be a bleffing, yet we have little reafon tobe proud of ir, if there three things be true (as who cam deny the truthof any one of them) which have been Paid of it ;. and three times three things more might be Paid of it, withas much truth, ro take all off from over-much valuing it, or to abate our valuation of ir. Therefore,above all, look to the beauty of the mind, that's a beauty worth the (+riving after ; and that is trueff bodily beauty, . which is adorned with foul-beauty, or when the beauty of come- linefs isaffociated 'with the beauty of holinefs. It had been no great matterof commendation co3obt daughters, that they were the