Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

;oiz Chap. 4e. Expofition upon theBook of Jos. Vert t f `4nd their father gave them inheritance among their bre- thren. And well theydeferved k. Their fathergave them. He made the diflrìbutìon to prevent conrention,which often falls out among children ( and poffibly might among jobs) about their fathers effete. This was a high favour, and fomewhat unufual, to give daughters inheritanceamong their brethren ; they ufe only to,in- ben t, when they have no brethren. For among the Dews, and probably among the Idumeans, it was a cuflome, and it pall into a law among the fen's, that fops fhould have the whole inheritance; the reafon was, becaufe their families and inheritances werepre- ferved diflint by the male, not fo by the females. The Hebrew word for a male fgnifies Remembrance, but that for a female min Forgetfulnefs ; becaufe daughterslofe the nameof their family in marriage,and therefore daughters did not inherit, but when there was nomale iffue. Thus it was in the cafe of the daughters of Ze- lophehad,their father left noTon, & fo they inherited(Num.a7.7.)1 An immoveable inheritance carne not todaughters; they had only EudInter,vcl a moveable inheritance. But fob giving his daughters inheritance in /14A' among their brethren,implyeth (as force Interpreters conceive) fnúteYua. that they had an equal inheritance in lands with their brethren, latoteoi quail which is alío the opinion of our Annotators ; as if out of love to dam &com- muter; them, and in reward of their venues, he gave to every one of n ratio- them, as to his Ions, a portion of land to inherit, fo that they fha- mia de red proportionally with their brethren, by their fathers Will and Teflament, and were coheirs with them in his elate equally. inter fratres Yet thofe words,among or in the midfl of their brethren, note, /c, ad deftgnáa- faith. another Expofitor, only an equality in their good qualities & darn convent- vertues.I fuppofe,ifyou take equally in a firiô fenfe ,that is,jufl as onion virturás much, foot for 'foot, penny for penny,they did not inherit equally;; án atrifque. but if ive take it in a commonor large fenfe,ro they had as great an qain' inheritance as their brethren, they had as much for daughters, as their brethren for Ions. Their fathers gave them inheritance among their brethren, Hence note, Firfl ; le it the fathers duty to provide for his Children. i é i Tim. 5. 8.) If any provide not for his Dion, and fpicially fr