Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap.4a. cfdn Expofttien upon the Book, of J o a. Verf. x . rot 3 for chafe of his own houfe, he bath denied the faith, and is warp, than an infidel. The ApoRles meaning is, in that point, he bath denied the faith, and dochnot carry it like a believer, no, nor fo well as unbelievers or infidels commonly do. Secondly, Their father gave them inheritance. Hence note ; It is the fathers priviledge to difpofe of bis eflate to his children. Children mua not take their portions , their father mull give it them. Children mua not carve to themfelves : It is the privi ledge of the father to difpofe of what he bath, according to right and reafon, and the law of the place. Thirdly, Who were they that had this gift they were his daughters, Their father gave them inheritance. Hence note ; Daughters are to be provided for, as wellas fans. Some fathers are all for their fons, and negle& their daughters altogether. Sons fhould not be denied their priviledge , and daughters fhould not be unprovided for. Sons bear up the name of the family, and daughters may bring both arength and honour to the family; by matching into worthy families. Note, Fourthly ; The better daughters are, the better fhould parents,father or mother,do andprovide for them. The reafon why fob went fo high, to give his daughters inheri- tance among their brethren,was, becaufe his daughters were not only beautiful, but dutiful, and though womenby fex, yet of a mafculine fpirit. The very grimmer of the Text (asfome take notice) leads us to this ground of their fathers bountyand noble- nefs to them ; he dealt with them as with funs, becaufe they had the vermesof Cons ; for in three places the Holy Ghofi With the mafculine affixe ( mew) where (according to ordinary rule) he fhould nfe the feminine (Z nun) to Phew (fay they) that Pb was not moved by fond affeEtion to his daughters, but found judge- ment ;he feing them exceed their fex in vertue, equall'd them in his fatherly provifion, with thofe who were of amore excellent fax,