Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

1014 Chap. 42. An Expoftion upon theBook of j O B. Verf. a ç. fez, and dealt with them as with fons in their degree. Laflly, Obferve ; Children ought to be fatiefied with their fathers pleafare his efiate among them. We do not hear that there was any difcontent in the Ions, be- caufe the daughters had fo much ; nor in the daughters, becaufe theyhad no more : both relied in what their father was pleafed todo for them. How much more thould we refi content with that portion and inheritance which our father in heaven provides for us ? andindeed he will give all his daughters at lafl inheri- tance among his fans : For as the Apoffle fpeaketh with refpec to grace, fo 'cis true in refpeCt to glory, There is neither male nor female ; but Chrift is all and in all. The grace of God is not more to the male than CO the female ; and,as it is in the giving of grace here, fo it will be in the dilribution of glory hereafter : Bre- thren and lifters, husbands and wives, who are heirs of the fame grace of life, fhall be all heirs together in the life of glory, o- in the glorious life ; and therefore let us be content with what por- tion or inheritance our heavenly father is pleafed to give us, to allor,orallow us in thislife. JOB,