aot6 ; Chap. 42. an Expofstion upon the Book, of J o B. Verf, r 5e his life, in the third edition of it : For, as there are (if I may fo fpeak)threeeditions ofmans life in general,whereof the firfi was a happy one inAdam, as created ;the fecond,miferable,by Adam, as fallen;the third,more happy than the firh,as we are reflored by Chrit+, the fecond 4dam : So there were three editions or vo- lumes (at kart) of this one mans life, whereof the firfi was very profperous, the fecondvery trouble Iona, the third more profpe- rous than the firff. This profperous edition or (late of Jobs life, -continued an hundred andforty years. But have we no ghefs about the computation of his whole life,, or how long he lived in all ? I anfwer, we have none from the holy Scriptures ; and there- fore, where the Scripturehash not a tongue to fpeak, I would fay but little : Yetgive me leave to report the opinion, both of the fewi(h Writers, and of leverai others, both Greek and Latine, concerning that point. Firil, It is generally agreed by the Jewifh Writers, and by molt of the Latines, that fob was threefcore and ten years old at the concluGon of his trouble ; and if he were feventy when his trouble ended, adding an hundred and forty more after the end of his trouble,it makes up juft two hundred and ten years, as the ge- neral account of his whole 1ife.Thus the JewifhDoctors conclude the race of fobs life, as long as the abode of the children of Ifrael in Egppt, after their coming thither, till their going our. Secondly, The feventy Interpreters give another reckoning, both of the time he lived after his aflíietion, and of the time be- fore, and fo confequentially of his whole life ; for thusthey tran- ilate, After this trouble, Job lived an hundred andfeventyyears ; andall thedayes which Job lived, were two hundred andfortyyears. Thus they render the Text, but by what warrant I do not under- hand. The ground of this addition, by which Come endeavour topreferve the credit of that tranflation, is this ; The Septua- gint (fay they)by after this,do not underhand only the time when Jobwas juíl come out of his troubles, bur, by after this, they mean the whole time that Job was recovering out of his trouble, and growing up into that greatnefs. As if the meaning of thole words, after this, were tobe taken thus: After Jobs cartel were doubled, and his Family was compleated, afterhe had (evenfons and three daughtersborn unto him, and after his daughters ap- peared