Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 42. e l rn Expofition upon the Boo, o ftJ o B. Verf. x6- s o i 7 pairedto be according to their names, and the report made of themin the former context, the faire + women in all the Land of V ; and after he had difpofed of them in marriage, tohis comfort and content, after all this was in doing and done, he li- ved anhundred and forty years. Now, for thedoing of all this, they allow thirty years, which being added to the hundred and forty years in the Text, make up the full fum of an hundred a1d feventy years, as they tranflate to which, if we add fevenry years, which is fuppofed to have been the time of his life, when his troubles ended, then the toral amounts to two hundred and forty years, which the Septuagint in their tranflation fay he lived. But it may ("office to mention this, it being only the opinion,and poflïbly the miftake of chofe ancient Tranflacers. We have DO more in Scripture, but that he lived an hundred and forty years after his troubles were ended ; and taking it flridtly fo, he mull needs be a very old man, for he was a perfedt man, and had ten children before his troubles began. After this livedJob an hundred andforty years. But why cloth the Spirit of God reckon up his years ? Surely to fec forth a further blefing bellowed upon Job, than as yet had been named, even the blefling of long life. All that is fpoken of him, is in a way of mercy ; and to make the meaCure of his mer- cies full, this is added or call in, that he lived after the dayes of his trouble were ended, anhundred and forty years. Hence note ; Long life is tobe reckoned among divine hidings; and 'tie a right-bandbiding (Prov. 3 , t6.) job had many bleflïngs of this life, but his long life on earth was the chiefe(t of meer earthlybleffings. The ftit Ages of the world had very long livers : (Adam, the frfi man, lived well to- wards a thoufand years, compleat nine hundred and thirty years, after he wascreated(Gen. 5. 5.) which being ina perfe& mans eflate, we may well reckon him asa manof neer a thoufand years old, and neerer to athoufand than carletbufalah, when he dyed. That whole Chapter is a dear proof, that ail before the Flood lived to a great age. O00000 Four