Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

rforof thole long livers (Gen. 5.) when the firft-born is mention- oIS Chap. 42. 4.An Expotitton upon the Book of Jo a. Verf. 16. Four reafons may be affigned, why the threadof DUDS lifewas drawn out to fo great a length, in thofe early ages of the world. Firff, That they might learn the works of Creation, and be skilled in the courfe of nature, which, having no books nor ante- cedent (Ladies of men, theymufl colic& by olfervation. Secondly, They lived long, that they might inflrua others in Thirdly, They lived long, thatmankind might be multiplied; begat fons and lived -- ~ long, that they might both i Fourthly, and perfe& thole Arts and Sciences with which the world after- ward abounded, when drawn into writing, and fer forth by rule. And though after the Flood,. the years of the longeft livers were much fliort of theirs, yet the holy Patriarchs received a great fhare of his Melling. Abraham lived an hundred feventy and five years (Gen. 25.7.) lfaac lived lomething longer, an hun- dred and fourlcore years (Gen. 35. 20. ) 7acob lived an hundred forty and feven (Gen.47.28.) 70fepb lived an hundred and ten years (Gen so,. tilt) fob, if we take in that common ac- count- of the antecedent part of his life, lived longer than any of thefe, even CVVO hundred and tea years. The fifth Commande- ment hath this p-omire (Exod. 2o. 2.) Honour thy Father anal thyMother,that thy °layer may be long in the Land, which the Lord thy Godgiveth thee. And the Apoftle calls that the firft Commandement with promire CEO. 6. 2. ) that is,the firft Corn- mandement with an explicite promife (all the Commandements have promifes implyed to thole that obey them) Eliphaz allured 'job of this bleffiag, in cafe of his repentance(Chap.g. 26.) Thou (halt come to thygrave in afull age,ltke as a (bark of. Corn cometh in his reafon: And in this he was a true Prophet. Now, that long life is ableffing, I would Chew briefly, under- thee fix confiderations. Firft, It is a bleffing tohave a long opportunity of doing good, of being ufeful and fetviccable to our generation ; long life gives an advantace for that. Secondlby, Ic is biding tohave opportunity togain experien- ces ; Ertl, of ale various providencesofGod towards men, whe- ther