Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

{V, Chap..42. An Expofstìon sepon the Bookof j o.s Vetf, t &. &n a 9 cher in wayes of judgement or .of mercy, Secondly, to get ex- periences of the manners of men, of the vaniry,unfaithfulnefs and ïnconflancy of force men, and of the goodncfs, faithfulnefs and conRancy of others. Though we fometimes frart in gettìng our experiences, vet it may be agreat biding to have them. Thirdly, It is a bleffing to have an opportunity to hold forth the graceof God to us, and the graces of God in us, by a holy example. The longer we live a natural life, the more wemay ma- nifeh the power .of a fpiricual life, to thofe among whom we live. Fourthly, It is a blefing to have opportunity for improvement and growth in grace, to attain the higheft Rature in, and pitch of holinefs. This benefit we may make of long life, even encreafe in grace, as our years encreafe, and grow better as we grow older. Fifthly, It is a blefling to have opportunity to bring up our children in the nurture and fear of God ; long life gives liberty for this. Laflly; it is a blefíing tobehold the blefsingof God upon our poferity; long life gives us opportunity for this blefsing, and this was 7o6s blersing eminently. In all there refpeCts, and many more might be added, long life is a blefsing. Yet, let me give this corrective, Long life isbut a common61ef- f ng ; it is no diftinguifhingblefsing,ic is not a certain love-token fromGod to man. Bad men have lived long, as appears both in faced and common Hiflories. Old age is then a blefsing, and good indeed, when we are old in goodnefs, or grow old doing goad. Solomons conclufion reacheth this fully (Prov. 16. a I.) The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteou(riefs, And Solomon tells us in Ecclefialles, Better is a child that will be ruled, than an old andfoolifh King that will receive no counfcl,Whcn wemay fay of any, as the Lord faidof fome(Ez,ek. 23.43.) 0 ye that are old in adulteries ; when any are old in fin, voe to fuch an old age. Better to die young, than live to oldage, a r n die in fin. To live to be old men,the old man not dying O how fad I To fee fin young, when theman is old, how is that!Then only old age isgood ,when we are good an o ,.,;t% They only die in a good old age (as it is faid of Abra- bar,, "en. 25. 8.) who are hood dying old. The firmer of a 600000 2 fon® o