Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Bozo Chap. 42. efn Expofation upon the Book of o B. Verf. t 6, hundredyears old (hall die accurfed (Ifa. 65. 20.) So then, it is knowing, not ignorant old age ; itis prudent, not foolifh old age ; it is gracious, not vicious old age, which is indeed the blefsing ; and therefore, though it be a blefsing, look upon it as a common blefsing. Asriches are good to us, our felves being good ;fo is old age, fuck is a life of many years in this world, goodonly to thofe who are good, and do good. Secondly, When it is laidJob lived an hundred and forty years, we are not to take his loving for a bare continuance or indurance in life, for fo many years ; but we are to underhand his life or living fo long,with the doodling of it,with thegood of it:be lived, that is, he lived comfortably, honourably, peaceably, this hundred and forty years. We commonly fay,To live is to be well;to live,is to flourifh. Some live, whole life is a kind of death. As they who live in (finful) pleafure, aredead while they live, fo alto are they who live in great worldly forrow. lob lived comfortably and contentedly all that long time of his latter life, even anhundred god forty years. Hence note, Secondly ; Long lr fe, in health, peace andprofperity, is a 61eíing indeed. To live long in the enjoyment of good, is very good. What man is he (faith David, Pfal, 34.12.) that defireth life, and loveth many dayes, that he may fee good? Keep thy tonguefrom evil, &c. To live long and fee good, that is, enjoy good, is the utmofl that can be delred in this life. That's the bleffrng, or the good pro= coifed in the renewed hate of ferufalem (Ifa. 65.) where, after theLord had fpoken.of new heavens and new earth, he adds, at the 2ad verfe, Theyfhallnot build, andanother inhabit; they (hall not plant, and another eat ;. for as thedapsof a tree, are the dayes of my people, and mine elet fhall long enjoy the work of their hands. He doch not fay, they (hall live loner, but they (hail en- joy long ; that which they have built and planted, none (ball in,- vade nor take away from them. Some conceive, this bath refe- rence to the thouland years, prophefied of (Rev. 20.) wherein theChurch (hall enjoyperfç& felicity in this world. To live long in the fweet enjoyments of health, honour, peace and plenty, for foul and body, is a full blefsing. I grant, force good men live long,whoyet do not alw ayes enjoy good ; their old age efpeci- ally, were eß valere.