Chap. 42. an Expofition upon the Book cf J o B. Vert. t 6, ally is accompanied and encumbered with manybodily diffem- pers and grievous pains. Though grace fets us above the decayes of nature, and the troubles of this life, yet grace doth not ex- empt nor give us p: iviledge from either ; fo that greedinefs after many years, is commonly a greedinefs only after many in- firmitiies.lfaac was a good old man,yet 'cis :faid of him,that whenhe was olds his eyes waxed dim, fo that he could not fee (Gen. z7. s.) Old age, and dim eyes, and deaf ears, (baking hands, and palled trembling joynts, with manifold difeafes, are feldom found afun- der : Therefore, fob had an extraordinary blefsing, to live long and free from all there evils, and fo have any who do fo. Bar- zillay was a good old man, yet (a Sam. t 9. as.) he was fo be.. and his natural fences fo enfeebled, that hedid not en- joy his life ; Can I(laid he to David,who invited him to a Court- life, Can 1) arymore tali what Ieat or drink ? &c. That's a bief- fed old age, when we live long, and enjoy comfort wich our lives, chiefly whenwe enjoy the comforts, and a& the duties of a fpiritual life. Thirdly, Confider, fob was affliéed but a few months we are fure, not many years, but God gave him an hundred and forty years of profperity in this world, after his afllietion. Hence note ; God fometimes doth, andalwayes can recompence our fhortfuf- ferings with long comfortable enjoyments, even in this life. fofepb, for his thirteen or fourteen years flavery and impri- fonment in Egypt, had fourfcore years liberty and highadvance- ment there. And though the Lord doth not alwayes, nor often make fuch compenfacions in this world ; yet he will compenfate all the fufferings of his faithful fervants, with longer, not only comfortable, but glorious enjoyments, yea, with an eternal en- joyment of glory in the world to come (a Cor. 4: 17.) Fourthly, Note ; The Lordcan make our old age, our extream.old age, evena youth to us, or as comfortable tous at our youth. Hecan give health and firength ro the very laff, he can give a fpring in the winter of our age. Thus it was with fob ; he did not only live long, but fiourithed in the health of his body, as much tona