aom Chap. 42. an Expofitíon upon the Book, of J o B. Verf,17 former. It is laid (Gen. 2.6. 34.) When Etau was forty years old, be took to wife Judah, the daughter of B,rith the Hittite, which was a grief of mind to Ifaac and Rebecca. To fee their fon match among the prophane and uncircumcifed, both in heart and flefh, was a cur, a wound, a deepwound in their fpirics. Again (Chap. 27. ult.) Rebeccafaid to Ifaac, Iam weary of my life, becaufeof the daughters of Beth. If Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, fetch as theft which are of the daughters of the Land, what goodfhall my life do me ? Better be out of the world, than fee my ions mi"carry. Thefe two fights, to fee children Mitering, or to fee them finning, arc a pain,not only to the'eyes, but to the hearts of parents. But to fee them, Firft, - Profperous in their way; Secondly, Pious, keeping the way of the Lord ; to have and fee fuch children, andchildrens Children, to the third and fourth ge- neration, how delightful is this! The Apofile John profeffed (3 Epifl. ver. 4.) 1 have no greater joy, than to bear that my children walk in the truth. He meanshis fpiritual children, thofe whom he had converted to the faith, and begotten to Chrift in the miniftcry of the Word. O what a joy was it to that holy Apofiles heart, to fee them walk anfvverably to the profef!ion of the Gofpel, and his expe&atioò I Now as that was fo greata joy tohim, that he had no greater ; fo 'tis an unfpeakable joy when godly parents fee their natural children fpiritual, and walking in the truth. To fee children new born, to fee them gracious, and to fee them profperous alto, what a bleffed fight is this I And this was the fight doubtlefs which Job had, he faw his children, Flis Eons, and his foes foes, to the fourth generation. His blef fednefs, as to all without him in this life, was at the higheft,when he faw the profperity of his children, both in foul and body. Thus Job was bleffed every way, he was bleffed with riches, bleffed with4ong life, bleffed in the muhiplication of his fa nil y; he was bleffed an in his death, as appeareth in the next and laft words of this Chapterand Book. Verf. 17. So Jobdied being old and full of days. As Solemn laid (Ecclef. 1i. 13.) Hear the conclufion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep bis commandements. So I may fay now, Hear the conclufion of all men. To fear God andkeep his commandements,is the confummating end ofour lives ; but to dye