Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 42. an Expofition upon the Beek sf J o n. Verf. 17. 1oäs dye"is the confuming end of all our lives, and to a good man 'tis an entrance into eternal life ; Such, and fo Jobdied. The Lord having fpoken of his life, is not filent about his death; The Rory, the holy Flory brings fob to his grave : and that could not but be a bleffed death, which was the dole of a gracious life. So Job died. Death is the feparat ion of the foul from the body; 'cis, the fleep of the body in the grave, and the tell of their fouls in heaven who dye in the Lord.There is no difficulty in there words; take a noteor two from them. Firf, Death taker all fooner or latter. fob lived a long time, but he did not out-live death ;. he lyrorr ult;raa enjoyed an hundred and forty years profperity in this world, eloufulavtns, yet he left the world ; Ile lived long , yet a day came morsarumo Í when he could not live a day longer. 'Tis laid of all the long 1t °&1rerum. livers (Gen. 5.) They died. Adam lived nine hundred and thirty years, and he died. Seth livednine hundred and twelve years, and hedied. Metbufelab (the longel liver in this world) lived nine hundred fixty and nine years, and he died. Here Job lived an hundred and forty, and fo be dyed. Davidput the queflion of all men (Pfe 1.8g. 48.) What man is he that liveth and (hall not fee death P How great: or how good, how rich or how wife, ,how firong or how valiant foever any man living is, he mull dye. How long foever any man hath lived in this world, he mull dye , for the world muff dye; there mull be a diffolution ofall things, and therefore a diffolution of all men (Peal. 82.6, 7.) 1 fail, ye are gods,but ye (hall dye like men. Kings and Princes, who have the priviledge to be called gods, have not the priviledge of God, not to dye like men. This is a common theam, I intend not to flay upon it ; only, let me tell you, death will overtake us all fooner or later, upon a double account. Becaufe it is appointed. Secondly, Becaufe it is deferved. It isappointed unto men once to dye bHeb. 9.27.) and all men have deferved to dye, to dye eternally,and therefore much more todye naturally(Rom. S. r 2.) As by one manfin entred into the world,and death by fin,and fo death pafi upon allmen for that all havefinned. Now icing the condi- tion of all men is a dying condition, receive there four cautions. Fitt, Prepare for death. There is no avoiding it at the long run, thereforebe ready to entertain it at Lfl ; and, becaule we PPPPPP mty {