Chip 4ï,. An Ex,po wpm ti<rt *Air) a9 VAT I?. a may find muchliftni tettaaxniN in tivextt 3 and they PAO hoe much of the life of (fin in them till net tpeearly sduey via Lind 1r,' . bands in their death, t+rbnc , an pan` chat räe e$ iawtat wicked men find not (Ffat.i ; 4)V' hik ere t ETn, or fetf, or the world are lively tous, death will be greivoua to us: Tnerc- fore let them who are dead to tin, never think themfelves dead. enough to it while they live ; they w o are mad dead to fin and the world, have the fweetcfi and moil comfortable pafíage ctlt cf the world. So Job dyed, Being old. It muff need's be that lob was an old man,when he had lived an hundred and forty years after all his changes before this change came : Why,thenisitadded, he died being old,or. beingan old man ? Surely, CO teach us thisleffon. old age and death cannot be far afunder. 'Tis atruth,ÿoung men anddeath are not very far afunder, youth and death are at nogreat diflance;but when we fee anold rnan,we may conclude, that death and heare very near neighbours; While we fee an oldman with his staff in his hand,wemay fay,hecarrieth a rapper in his hand, by which at every Rep heknocks at the door of the grave.There is no man,uot the youngw+..: man,that can reck- oncertainly upon one day beyond what he hatrr;and therefore So- lomon admontiheth us(Prov. z7, ï .)Beaft not of to-morrow,for thou knoweft not what a day may bring forth. And the Apotile fames checks thofe, who would reckon upon a day, he tells them upon the matter, That they res'kon without their hoaft ( James 4. 1 3.) Ço to now, ye that fay to day, or to-morrow we will go into fach a City, and continue there a year, and bay, and fell, and get gain ; And then at the 14th verfe,whereae ye know not what fhall fie on the morrow ; for (faith he) what is your life ? it if even a vapour that appeareth for a little while, and then vanefheth away. They that are youngeft have not a day, nor an hour in their power to reckon upon ;what then have they that are old ? We may fay of them, They are even paft their reckoning. A. woman near her time will íometimes fay , floe bath but a day to reckon ; and Tome will fay , they have never a day to reckon r old men may fay fo, 'they bave not a day to reckon. Toeing min may dye ; old men muf#¿ye: Then let old men be much in the meditation cao PPpppp z death,