1028 Chap. 4a; Au Expofition upon the Book of J o t. Vert. 17. death, let them be often looking into their graves ; their gray hairs that do fo,are found in the way of wifdom. Job dyed, bring old : There was no longer flaying for him in this world. Once more, Job dyed being old, And full of days. There is a twofold fullnefs. Firft, A fullnefs of fatiety. Secondly, A. fullnefs of fatisfa6tion. They are full in a way offatiety, who loath that which they are filled with,'tis burthenfome to them. They are full'in a way of fatisfa6tion, who having enough, are pleated,and defireno more. Some expound this Text ofjob, in the former fence, he was full of days, that is, he had a fullnefs of fatiety upon him, he had liv- ed fo long, that his lifewas a burden to him, he had lived till he was weary of living, his lift was tedious and grievous tohim. it is laid (Revel. 9.6.) In tbofe days (hall men feel¿ death, and ¡hall not find it ; and (hall defire to dye, and death (hall flee from them. That which mofi flee from, Tome purfue, and it fleeth from them, None are founfit to dye, as they who upon the account fpoken of in that Text, leek death anddefire to dye. I donot conceive, that yob was full of days in the former notion, as the fiomack may be full of meat and loath it, or be burthened with it,but as having had enough of ir, though well liked to the Taft mortei. And I am fure he was not full of days, when he dyed in the latter notion, as one wearied with the troubles of his life ; for all his latter days were a bleffing to him, and he bleffed in them all His laft days in this world being his belt days of worldly enjoyment, he could have no reafon uponany worldly account to defire a departure out of the world. I grant, a good man though he path not lived many°days may be full of days, even to wearinefs, by realonof his temptations, corruptions, and fns ; of which kind of weafinefs the Apofile fpeaks (z Cor. y. z.) In this ( earthly houle of the "body) we grown earnefll, defiringto be clothed upon withour houfe, which it from heaven. And upon this account poliîbly, lob himfelf might be wearyof his life, and defir'erthe death "of' his " body, tharhe might be delivered from the body of that death. But Ms worldly