Chap.42. 4n Expo/ition upon the EA of Jos. Verf. worldly lifewas as Neer as it was long, he was as full of blefliings as he was of days ; and therefore, doubtlef, he was only fatisfied with living, not tired with it: He did not loath his natural life, nor did he hunger after a longer life in this world ; he hungred after eternity, not time : He did not hunger after a longer lite, as they do who have their portion in this life, how long foever they have lived. Aworldly man is never fatisfied with living in the world ; he never hath his belly full of living here, while he fees he may (as Job might) fill his belly with the good things of this life. But as Job had lived very long, and very well on earth, fo heknew there was a better life to be had in heaven ; and there- fore was full of days, bock as having had many, and as having no defire after moreon earth. M he was not (which David de- precated, Pfal. to z. z4,) taken away in the midfß of his days ; fo he was willing to come to the end of his days ; and for that rea- fon, might well be fail to dye, being old and full of day Secondly, Thefe words, fo Job died, beingold and fall of days, may note as his willingnefs to dye, fo the eafinefs of his death ; he was come to a full ripene(s for death, Fruit that is fully rip: is foon gathered, and fometimes drops off alone from the tree. fob was every way ripe for death ; his body was ripe, be was full of days ; his foul was ripe, he was full of grace furely then his was a fponraneous death, a very fweet way of dying. His natural firength was not much (being old) to make refflance againffi death acd his fpiritual arength was fo much, that it caufed him to make no refi(lance again( it, or rather at once joyfully to embrace and overcome rt. Thirdly, Thefe words, fo fob dyed being full of days, may have this fpiritual meaning ; His days werefull.He didnot live empty days, or void,blank days ; but as he wasfull of days, fo his days were full, full of good works and holy duties. chat mans days are empty, though he be full of days, or how many days foever he hath lived, who path lived in vanity, and done littlegood with his life. But we have reafon to fay, Job dyed full of days, be- caufe his days Were full of good done,aswell as.ofgood received; he had not a long being only,but a long life in the world, living to good, yea, his bell in dutyboth to God and man. Thus Job dyed being old and fullof days. From this latter part of theverle, Obferve iox9