Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. An Expaftion upon the Bo:k,of J o B. Verf, 7. Fifthly , They may becalled theSons of God, becaufe of their effential likenefs to God,or their likenefs to him inEiíence. God is aSpirit , he is incorporeal ; the Angels alfo are incorporeal, they are Spirits ; though the differencbetween nce'v od bland An- gels be as great as canbe conceived , yea, being the Creating Spirit, and they but created Spirits ; God being an Infinite Spirit , and they but finite Spirits ; yet the An- gels bear a refemblance to God in their e{îence,as well as in their qualifications , and mayupon that ground likewife b: called the Sons of God. Sixthly , Angels are called theSons of God , becaufe they imitate him. Do good to them that hate you (faith Chrifl , llfatth. 44 ) that ye may be the Children of your Father, which is in Heaven : that is, imitate God , carry it towards evil men, to- wards men that are evil to you , or do you evil , as God doth; and this will be both an evidence , that you are the Sons of God, andGod will honour you with the Title of his Sons. The An- gels imitate God in mercy , and love , and compaflion, as alto in their good works,their ways being all holy,jufl,and good ,pure and righteous.Further they thew muc i kindnefs and tendernefs to the children of men ; they doubtlefs, are patient towards the fro- ward , and do good offices (as they are called and deputed) ro . thofe who deferve littlegood. Now being like God by imita- tion , they maybe called the Sons of Go . the Angels we we called account in thee particulars ,why, the Sons of God. But what did thefe Sons of God , the An- gels, when Spe&ators of the Worlds Creation ? The. Text cells Us,, Signanter a- firm tangaam They (;hooted for jay, rnferioribus Some put a difference between that which is attributed to the baden,uunie- Stars ( taking the Stars properly) and the Angels ; as if here it flu ang were fpoken (fgnanter) by way of excellency ; the Stars did a;:ribuit ubi- fnng, but the Angels (hooted, The word rend red ro(Foutfor joy, latianem. fignfñes in general tomake any great or loud cry ,, fometimes for Aquin. forrow orconflernarión of mind ; When the army of the 062,- ;wti 'n Ef? kanites amazed withGideons flratagem of the pitchers and'iimps, 'AT, carar ran and fled 'ris Paid they cryed, and their cry is exprc f :dby frPbatio this word (fudges 7. at.) Whenanarmy runs i they make only a úä;a+