to 3o) Chap. 42. An.Exp.ftisn ti ers41849a*of j ()Verve; Fïrfl, When a xodly man afysth, he fatisfteet with the time he bath loved, he heath his :fill of daps, he cremes no more, Though no length of this life can Catisfie him, yet he is Catil- tied with the length of his life. A godly man in.Come calesmay crave a little More time ; He may fay, as (Pfal. saz. 24.) 0 take me not away in the midit of my day:, and (as elfewhere) O fpare me a little, that I may recover my flrength, before I go Bence, andbe no more (Pfal. 39. t 3.) Yet this is a truth fpecial- ly as to good old men (living as f ob had done) when they dye, they havehad their fill of living. A Heathen faid, and he fpake Si mihi quit it after a heathenifh manner, If any Godwould give me the pri- Denolargiatuv viledg to be young again, and to cry in a Cradle, Iwouldnot thank, utet hoc elate him for it, Ihave had living.enough. If a vertuous Heathen hath repuerafcans, faid fo by the light of reafon and morality ; then, doubtlefs, a djrn tuna va godlyChriftìan may much more fa Co through the power of faith glom valdè re a Y Y Y a cufetn.cato. and grace. It cannot be faid of all men who dye (as fob did) beingold, thatthey in this notion dyed(as fobdid) full ofdays: For as fome godly young men have been fully fatisfied with a few days, and have laid they have lived as long as they defired, and could'Caywith Paul, We de f re to be defolved, and to be with Cbrift, which is far better (Phil. 1. a3.) Yet Come old men are very much unfarisfied with their many days; fame old menwouldbe young again : This argues they have made but little improve- ment of their days, or that they have got littk,if any thing, of that all their days, which fhould be the Rudyof every day, an in- ters(} in the deathof Chrif}, and fo a readinefs for a better life. For an old man towifh himfelf young again, is like onewho with great labour hash clamber'd up a fteep hill,andwifheth he were at the foot or bottome of it again; 'cis as if a man,who (having been long toff in a florm, between rocks and fends) is got near a fafe harbour, thould with himfelf out at fea again. Theyhave not a true tali, much lefs, a lively hope of that life which is to come, who would return to this upon fuch hazardous and uneafie terms ? Ytr; r7> Secondly;