chap 42 An Expofition upen the Book of o B. Verf. 17, io 3 Secondly, As there words note a readinefs or a willingne?? tp dye, Obferve ; A good man is wilting to leavethis world. He is not thrufc nor forced out of it, but departs ; he is not piuck't off, but falls off like ripe fruit from the tree; His foul is not required of him (as 'cis Paid of the rich man,Luker 2. 2o.) but ivioa%ar. given up, and reigned by him ; he is not taken, but goes out of the world. It is laid indeed (Pfal, 57. a.) ?víerciful men are taken away (by Gods commiffion given co death) from the evil to come ; but they are not taken away from ( as being unwilling to part with, and leave) any prefent good. A gracious man tiath ufually a readinefs todye, in a twofold notion. girt+, As readi- nefs lignifies preparednefs; Secondly, As readinefs lignifies a willingnefs to dye: And always the firfi readinefs promotes the fecond. The more prepared any one is to dye, the more willing he is to dye. That man can lay, Lord, now let thy fervant depart in peace, whore eye of faith hath feen his falvation. We (faith the Apoftle, fpeaking of believers, z Cor.. 5. 8.) arewilling to be ah- lent from thebody, that is, to dye. And the word there ufed fig- nifies not only the freell choice, but (if I may fo fpeak) the good will or goodpleafare of mans will, as it often lignifies God's. As a godly man bath a peculiar way of livin;, fo of dying ; and the reafon of both, is, becaufe he fees blelfed eternity beyond time, and himfelf, by a well-grounded (that is, a Scriptural) hope, a partaker of the ble{lednefs ofit, Thirdly, Note ; They dye full of days, who fill their days, or whoofe days are full. That is, who fill their days with'or whore days are full of the fruits of rightecufnefs, of faith and repentance, of love and cha- ritablenefs. Stephen (Ads 6.8.) was full of faith and payer. They dye full of days in old age,who, as it isLaid (Pfal, 92.14.) Nulla dies bring forth (fuch) fruit in their old age; who dye as Dorcas nuiadf (Aas 9 36.) full of good works, and almef deeds which they bave A neo. done. It was faid of a famous Painter, Noday pa. him without Dimperdidi, drawlg a line. ARomane Empercur Paid, !have lofl.a day,when V'afpatian. he