xer,2 Chap, 42, an Expofition sspon the Boo of ,J o B. `íer he did no good that day. We may well reckon chore days loll in which we do nogood, in which we draw dot tome white line, fame Olden line of grace and holineCs. Then what account will their days come to, who pals not a day, but they draw black lines, filthy lines of fin and wickednefs, or whole days are all blotted with the worfi abominations of the day they live in? If chofe days are empty and loft, wherein we do no good, and are not made better what then becomes of their days, and where will they be found, but in the Devils Almanack, who do nothing but evil, and daily become worfe and worfe ? So then, theyonly dye full of days, who live doing the will of God, and denying their own ; who live mortifying corruptions, and refitting temptations ; who live exercifing their graces, and anfwering their duties to God and man : This, this is too live our days, and to dye full of days. Again, as their days are full, who are full ofgrace in them- felves, and of good works towards men ; Co are theirs who are full of the merciesand bletlings of God, elpecially, theirs, whole days are full of foul mercies and bleflings, whole hearts are full of peace with God, full of joy in God, full of affurance of the glo- ry of God. They whofe days are filled with there divine enjoy- ments, dye full of days, how few days foever they have lived in this world : They who live thus, live many days in one day ; they who live thus, have the tart and firfi fruits of eternity every day and therefore cannot but be fatisfied with their days, be they manyor be they few. He that doeellethin the fecret place of the most kg' (Pfal, 91. I.) that is, who trufleth fully in God for fafety by Chrifl in this world, and for falvation in the next, (lands under the thadow and fweet influences of many promifes, mentioned in that Pfa/m for the prefervation and prolongation of his life, in the midfl of a thoufand deaths and dangers ; all which are fummed up in that promife given at the 16th or lati verle of the Palm, with long Efe will J fatirfie him, and (hew himmy falvation. The Hebrew is, with length ofdays will I fatisfie him : Which as it is true, and farfily intended in that Flalm, of a long life here, and hath in that feule been often fulfilled to chafe who trufi in God fully: God gives to fuch not only a prelent elcape from death in a time of Pcflilence, but gives them long life, or their fill of living after- wards,