Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 42. AnEzpofitionupon the Book of B. Verf,i,: 1o3; wards even in this world ; yet that which doch chiefly fatisfie them, is, that long life, of which the longea life in this world is but a fhadow, and to which it is a very nothing, What is this long life ? Surely, not a life of an hundred and forty years long, as fob's was. fob was fo fatisfied with the length of his life, that he was willing CO die (as bath been (hewed) but fob was not fo fa- tisfied with it, as to take that for his long life. Everyman would be fatisfied ; but what doth facisfie a godly man ? what Both he hunger after forfatisfa&ion ? Is it after honours ? No ; Is it af- ter riches ? No; Is it after pleafures ? No ; Is it after many dayes here ? No ; What is it then ? Nothing can fatisfie the hunger of a gracious foul, but life after this life, the long and blef- ed life of eternity ; and that is chiefly intended him in that pro- mile, With long life will Ifatisfie him, and fhewhimmy falvation. No lengthof lite can fatisfie us,but as in it we have the fore- fights and fore-tabs of everlafling lite, or of that long life, which is e- ternal falvation : With this fobwas fatisfied, with chis the old Patriarchs were fatisfied. It is laid of Abraham (Gen. 25. 8.) He died in agoodold age, an oldman andfall (of years). Ot lfasc alto it is laid (Gen. 35. 28, 29.) He died, being old and full of elayes: both had their fill of time ; but that which filled them both, and that which only can fill any, whole lives are yet mea- lured by time, is the hope of a Welled eternity. 1(hall clofe the Point with an anfwer to this queflion ; why no more is Paid of fob, but, That be died being old andfúll of dayes,, whereas in both thole places lag named,concerning Abraham and Ifaac,it is not only laid, that they died being old andfall ofdays, but this is added,And were gathered to their people, Abraham died,and wets gathered tobis people : Ifaac dyed , and was gathered to bis peo- ple: Why is it not alto Paid of fob; fo good a man, dying full of dayes, and fuller of graces, that be wasgathered to his people ? I anfwer, Abraham and Ifaac lived and died among a people, who were (as themfelves were) in Covenant with God ; where- as job lived among the Idtemeans, force affirming him to be of the poflerity of Efate, others, of Abraham, by his fccond wife Kern- rab: Now all the fons which Abraham had by her, he font away from Ifaacbis fon ( while he yet lived ) Eaftward into the Eaff Country (Gen. 25. 6.) So that it being doubtful (at leaf+) whe- ther the people,among whom fob lived, were a godly people or Qggqc1 no,