Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

1034 Chap. 42. vIn Expofition upon the Boolí;, of J o B. Verf. 17. no, and that they were not,being moreprobable (as was (hewed, if not concluded, in opening the 6rft verfe niche fiat Chaprer;for this reafon I fay) we may fuppofe ( for the Scripture determines nothing in this matter) that when the death of fob was fpokenof, nothing was fpoken of his being gathered to his people. So fob died bring oldandfull of daps. This is that job, whowas, Fira, A forrowful man, yea, even aman of forrows (for a time amongmen) as fome expotrnd his name. Secondly, Aman hated (by Satan at all times) as others ex- pound his name. Thirdly, A man highly approved and loved of God, as ap- pears by the teftimonywhich he gave of him, both firfc and laf+. This is that fob, who was, Firft, Famous for the afflictions with which God exercifed and tryedhim to the utmoft. Secondly, More famous for his patience and conflancy under thofeafflictions and tryals. Thirdly, MofT famous for his wonderful deliverance out of chofe affli6tionsand tryals. This is that fob, who was, Firfb, Famous for his .riches and profperity. Secondly, More famous for his vertues and integrity. Thirdly, Moff famous for his vióory over Satan in his deepen adverfity. This is that rob, whowas, Firf+, Reviled by his Wife. Secondly, Reproached by hisFriends. Thirdly, Deferted by his nearefi Relations, in the day of his greatefi need. This is that fob, who was, Firfl, Unjufily accufcd of, charged with, cenfured for, the wort} of iniquities. Secondly, Who fcoutly maintained his own innocency againft all chofecenfures and charges. Thirdly, Whowas clearlyacquitted from them all, by the te- Rimony of his own_confcience alwayes, and by the teRimony of God himfelf in the end. This is thatyob, who was, Firf}s