Chap. 4Z. AnExpofition upon the Bookof J o B. Vetf. ty. to3S Firfi, Greatly diflreffed by the malice of the devil, through the permifsion of God. Secondly, Mightily fupported againfi the malice of the devil, by the power of God, in all his dìflreffes. Thirdly, Fully refolved to trufl in God with all his heart, though he died under his hand, innever fo great ditirefs. This is that fob, who, Fir1l, In the greatnefs of his pain, expoflulated fometimes with God over -boldly ; yet, Secondly, At the lafl fubmitted and humbled bimfelf at the foot of God meekly. Thirdly, Was honoured as a Mediator for his miftaken friends, and accepted in it by God gracioufly. Once more, This is that job, who, Fir fi, After his refloring, was filled with the blefsings of this life. Secondly, Lived long, even to fulnefs of dayes, in the full en- joyment of thole blefsings. Thirdly, Died peaceably, and palled fweetly into the enjoy- ment of a better, of a longer, even an eternal life. Thus I am come to the end of fob, and to the end of the Book of jab ; yet before I end, let me leave thefe five words, as fo many Ufes of the wholeBook of fob. Firfl, While you live in this World, live in the expeFlationof, and preparation for changes:jobmec with them,and who may not? Secondly, Be patient under all the troublefom changes which you meet with in this world : fob is your pattern. Thirdly, Never meafure the heart of God towards you, by his hand upon you ; judge not of your fpirituai elate, by what ap- pears in your temporal. That was the grand miflake of fobs friends, and it was his honour to withdand them in, ir, and to Eland fall tohis integrity, in the lowefl fall of his cave in this world. Fourthly, What-ever God dothto you, or with you, fuumit freely to him : So did fob at firfi. Fifthly, and laflly, How low foever you are brought, yet hope for a good little, poi'sibly, in this life, affuredly in dut life which is to come. .,b found both ar lair. To clofabil, There are examples of two forts recorded in the Gkggggq a holy