Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE TABLE. Building, two things moll confidcrabld in it, both eminent inGods building, the World. 59,, 6 7o Behemoth may fignifieall the beaflsof the field. 609. Why,tbough aword of the plural number, appli- cable to one. 6o9. Behemoth, how the chief of the wayes of God. 624 Beholding of thingsor perfons, twofold. S77 Believers, why called the fart fruits of Gods creatures, 221. A believer ,Haunts high like the Eagle, efpecially in two things.478. Believers do not only mount high, bat abide on high. 480 Belief, that which is much defired, in force cafes is hardly believed. 454. Why the fame word fignifieth to ftand fall or(teddy, and tobelrcvt. 456. Birth, newbirth, three things in st.3 22 Bleffìng, two wayes of bleflìng one.977. Theblefsing, of God effe5lual .for che goodof man,978. Seven charaElers of thofe whom the Lord will blets, 979,980. They who are blefled,are alfo loved of God.98 r . Three things whence it is that many mind not a 1)1e-sing from Chad. 982. A11fucce fifes are not from the blefsing of god. 984. Temporal things are bid- flogs, but fpiritual things are the be blefsings. 989. How we may know when temporal things are a blefsing, and come towo in love.990 Bochartus, his opinion, that Behemoth is not the Elephant, but Hippopo- tame. 611, 612. Borrowing, fear not to lofe what god borrows of us. 951 Brethren and lifters, two wares taken Scripture. 956 C Canutus his anfwer to bis flattering Courtiers. 110 Captivity, how taken in Scripture. 9 3 t Any affuttion is a kindof captivi- ty. 932 Care to be cafl upon God. 177. Care of God over the beafls of the earth, and fowls of the air, fhòuld convince man that God will take care of him, 279, 283. Care of God to provide for thevilefl creatures. 296. Care of God for has p ople feen in two things. 643 Carefulnefs what to beavoided. 746 Carnal men judge of god by them- felves. 234 Caufes, natural canfes produce natu- ral effeEts, and fo do fpiritual cau- f es fprrttual o f fetts. 214 Cbaricy,a great trial ofit. 88o Children, not to charge their parents, wben able tohelp them(elves., 3 24. They who excel in any thing are ele- gant 'ly canned the children of it. 781 Children a great bieeing, 993. Pa- rents duty in naming them. . See names, how it is et biding to have many children. .1023. Good chil- dren agreatjoy. 1 024 Chrid his eternity. 45. Reis the cor- nerftorre. 69,7o. Chrift alight for two great ends. 122. Chri( com- pared to a Lion in four re fpeEts.28 ;, ChriR