Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE TABLE. Chrifc refembled by the Hind in three things. 312. why Chrii+ is called a born of falvation. 381. Chrifì tike the Eagle /hewed in [e- ven things. 49, 490. Chrifi a re- lief againfi all ev;l.6.48. Chrit° the heft friend. 958 Church, a vain thing toapple it. 685 Church fit out by Chrig in her fpi- ritual excellencies. 721, God terri- ble in theChurch. 729 Cloarhed,to decloathed with any thing what it imports, 428, 429 Cloud, how a garment to thefea, lei Clouds called the Arcenal of hea- ven, why. r 92. The wifefl men can neither tell howmazy the clouds are, nor fully what theyare. 271 Cock, why crows at Mid-night. 254. He is a natural clock, 270 Cold, whether natural or fpiritual, is agreat binder. 243 Comforting the forrowfalagreat duty. 967 Six cafes which call ns to com- fort others; together with fo many ways of miniflering comfort to them. 968. Four confederations mov- ing to this duty. 969 Command ofGodcreating. 104, 115 Comelinefs, it canfifteth in three things. 727 Company, no company ?leafed , but fuck as is ¡atable. 340 Compulfion grievous to brags, much more to men. 341 Condemnation of lei f,what good. 545 Confeffion of fin, whenright. 5 2 5 Contending, of two forts. 497. How man con,:endeth with the word, how with the works of God. 497, 49S. There is a fpirie in weak man, ready to contend with the firong God, 499. In two cafes we are apt to contend with God about his works, 5o . Four confiderations moving yes to beware of all contending! with God. 502, 503. In what way we may contend with God. 503, 504. They who contend with God would teem wifer than he. S® S ConverCion, why fo difficult a work. 360 Covenant , Hebrew word notes two things, andwhy. 67ò Counfel, what it ts. z5. The word counfel, put abfolutely or alone, notes Gods courfel. 25 Counfel of Godmay foon be darkned by M. 30. Some do it intentionally, the greatnefs oftheir ¡n. 30,3 2 Courage, where God gives courage man cam t make afraid. 438. True courage fears not prefent dan- ger. Some creatures full of it 92. what foine cannot do byflrength they do by craft. 292,293 C5eanion, that work calls us to'praife God. 89. Four things in creation move us to Arai je God, 90 Creature, God canmake any of them hurt l'ul toeu. 188, 'Two things ¡hew, the power of God in the creature. 189. Several degrees of excellency in the creatures. 62 r. An inference from it 626. God cast eafily fu6. due the flrongeft creatures. 638. Two inferences from it, 638, 639. God