Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE TABLE. t God to be magnified in the qualities,) andquantity, or btgnefs of his crea- tures. 663. All creatures made ferviceable to man. 672. Sara creatures terrible to man, 690. An inferencefrom it.69o.ggod pleafed in jetting forth thenatural excellencies of his creatures.718. The excellen- cies ofthe creature fhewthe excellen- cy of God',7 22. God wouldhave man know the excellencies of the crea- ture. 723 Crocodile, not tonguelefs. 662 D Danger, to leave any thing in danger, and not provideagainft it, is great folly.4o2. Dangersput all creatures to their utmog flirts. qr9. They who think themfelves out of danger defpife-danger. 420. Danger is the Element ofcourage. 446. It is bell not to do or quickly give over doing that which is dangerous. 680.7bey are cruel to themfelves'who run upon danger unadvifedly. 692. Great dangers may make the flouter a- f raid, 7 ç 3. Great dangers pur bad men upon repentance. 758 Darknefs, what. 166 Day of judgment like to be a terrible day. 18. It will be a difcovering day. I2<.' Days, when and vebofe days may be Paid to be full. 1029, 103 x . Day-light never rifeth twodays toge- ther exaIlly in the fame place. 126 Death,the Catesofit, what, a 51,15 z, 54.N. man knowttbhow orin what manner be fhall dye. r 55. Death takes all, and that upon à twofold ground, r o z 5. Four cautions from it. aozç. A good man willing to dye. 1031 Deering, bis difcourfeupon bis death- bed. 168 Deliverance , out of trouble is Gods work. 933. He can foon work it. 934 Demanding, of two forts. 818 Defire,what we moll delire, we would fain beat. 441, 444, 457 Devil in bands always. a r r. Devil like the Hawk. 473. With what weapons we may. prevail again[I him. 766 Dew bow caufed. 222. Two things confsderable in the falling of the dew. 222. gad the Father of it. 223. The great benefit of dew. 223, 224. A three-fold allufion of thedeer. 226 Difdain or defpiftng, who mofi apt to do 780 Difpofrion, two-fold, 757 Divifions among good men very bad. 736 Don, the Spani fh word for a Lord , whence derived. 68 Double, what it fignifies in Scrip- ture. 948 Drinking much in bruits is from their conflitution, not from their lugs. Duty, godwould have us do our°befiSn every duty. 38. Twothings needful toit, 38. Better do duty late than Rrrrtr Nat