Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE TABLE. not at all. 961 Dwellings appointed by God to every creature,fumble to his nature. 334 E Eagle; what the Hebrewword imports. 474 Exceeds any Hawk in three things. 475. Two reafons why the Eagle mounts fo high. 476. Fur reafons why fhe makes her nefl on high. 480. What food floe moll de- lights in. 4484. Thegnicknefs of the Eagles eye-fight. 485. How floe tryeth her young ones. 486. Eagles prefage, or finell a battei long before. 488. The fimilitude between the Ea- gle and Chriflin feven particular:., 489, 490. The fimilitude between anEagle and a true Chriflian, ,poned in (even things. 491. Two wings of a great Eagle, are fail to be given the Church. 493 Earth, how immoveable, 51,52. The earths foundations. 47 ,52, Gel the maker of the earth, five inferences from it. 53, 54. Three things in the making of the earth, fhouldflir xs up to praife God. 56, 57. The form and firmnefs of the earth, fet forth four ways. S9, 6o. Meafuresl' of the earth, different opinions about it. 61, 62. Five things admirable in the frame of the earth.65. Infe- rences from it to thankfulnefs, and an exalt frame of life on this earth, fo exaËlly framed for us. 66, 67. What are the garments or clothing of the earth. 137. Breadth of the earth. 157, 158. 7wo infereu cisfrom the greatnef of the earth. 158 Ealtwind, much under the dominion of the Sun. 299,200 Egypt why not looking to heaven for Tatra, 207 Elé&ion, of freegrace, not offore-feen workr. 702 Elements, their natural order. 9g Elephant, the manner of his eating graft defcribed, 618. Twelve things for wh: ch the Elephant is eminent above other bulls. 627, 623. Four inferences from it. 63o Encreafe in the field, five things needful to produce it. 378 Enemy, no wifdom in provoking one to firongfer us. 691 Enemìe=, to be prayed for, and how. Entreaty, the fireng will not ufe 669 Equinox, when. 127 Error, wife and good men may erre. 869 Erernity three forts of beings. 49. God only abfolutely eternal. 49. E- ternity what. So Exa&ors of two forts. 339,34e Examples of two forts recordedin Scrip- ture. 1036- Experience ; experimental knowledge Eye, atha great force upon the hear t in three things, 688, 6°9. The Eye called the light of the body in twore- fpeats, 740 race,