Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THg TABLE. F Face , binding of it in fecret, what. 590 Failings, God overlooks them in bis up- right fervants. 178 Paith,tht only way of underflanding the worlds creation. 5r. Faith is the eye of the foul. 689. Only faith keeps down the preuailingsof fear.756. All muff be done in a two-fold faith. 918. Faith and repentance muff go together. 9 +3 Fault, God will notcharge any man be- yond bis faulr. 33 Favourites ; God thews favour to all good men, yet fume only are bis fa- vourites. 891 Fear, of two forts. 4.1. A due fear puts we upon tbè safe of means for the prefervation of our[elves and others. 412. Fear put for the thin` fear- ed.445. That which is not feared is ufually derided, 447. Fear, what it is. 73;. Fear di/hobs reafon. 755,756. The left natural fear, the moreperfeflion. 777 Feafling, moderate, lawful. 963. Se ven cautions about it. 663 Feathers ; goodly feathers the gift of God to birds. 387. Three inferences' from it. 3$8. All birds arenot of a 389 Folly; fin is folly, fhewed four ways. 936, go7 Food, god gives food to all creAtures convenient to their nature. 392, 641, 642. Forgetfulnefs, wemay be fa to forget that which we never had, as well ao that which once we had, ,nTr 1 Forgivenefs, God is ready to forgive. 882. we (Mouldbe ready to forgive oneanother. 887.888 Foundation of a building four Attri- butes of it. 46. What the foundati- ons of the earth are. 47. why the earth is laid to have foundations. 47 What the foundations of the earth are, fberoed further. 52. A different word in the Hebrew figni- fying a foundation. 6L Acclama- tions ufedat the laying of the foun- dation of great buildings. 74 Freedom,fome creatures are free from, others bound to fervice by Cods ap- pointment. 328. Inference from it. 3 28. To be free from labour and fervice is but a low priviledge. 3 29. To defire freedom from duty and fervice is very [info!. 33o. Amer- cy to be free from three yoahesor bonds. 331. Tobe free to ferve is better than to be free from fervice. 332. robe forced is grievous, 341 Friends, their lofs a great loft. 957. In times of affl fuion, worldly friends will leave au, and godly friends may prove unkind to ou. 957. Two info- roncei from it. 958. Friends fhould be friendly. 96 t Fron and Ice from Cod, 228. Fron compared to afloes in three refpelts. 228. The force of fron. 229,230. A two-foldrefemblance of fron and ice. 231,232 Fruitfulnefs, how the Wildernef s will Rrrrrr 2 wit-