Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE TABLE. witnefs againff unfruitful pro What fpiritual good are. 21 Fullnefs of two forts. G from, fruits 5,216 1028 Garment natural, what, 725. Every creature bath fame kind of gar- ment or other. 726. Chrifl andhis graces thebefgarment. 726 Gates of death, what, vid,death. Gifts or endowments; God gives not all to any one creature and why. 421 Giftsor prefents, a duty to fend them in fame cafes. 973. Six forts [of gifts lawful, a feventh utterly un- lawful. 973 Glory, that which any creature excels in is bis glory. 440, 567, 569 Glory ofGod twofold. 568 Coates, the lignification of the word both in the Hebrew and Latine. 307. Seven things wherein wildgoates re- femble agodly man. 308,309 God is prefent with hill in troblosu daf- penfations. 2o. Theoutward appea- rances of God very terrible, when be intends nothing but mercy. 20 21. God is thefarfl being. 49.God an eternal being. 49. God is the fountainof all being. 5o. None like God. 54.. God the proprietor and poffeffor of all things; Inferences from it. 55. all creatures are at the command of God. 262. Con- tending! with Cod. See contending. God bath terrible ways of revealing bimfelf. 5 30. God bath amighty power.547. 4 three-fold gradation an expreffing it. 547, 548. God is full of majefly, beauty, and glory. 57o. Inferences from it. 571.57 3 God terrible to inners, 69e. 1Tjo (landing before Godfour ways.694, 695. God loin no mans debt. 698. God feltfufjicient. 7.00. X411 things are bis by a four-fold title.7o5.7óe excellencies of Cod mull net he con- cealed. 712. God terrible. 728 I 729. God is goodat any work that to good. 795. God is omnipotent. 796. God loath right to do whatfo.. ever bedoth. 799, Not a thought of his can be difappointed. Soo. Two inferences from it. 8o2. HowGod may be fees !hewedfour ways. 824 Godly man , irk! the Hind in five things. 313,3 14. The latter endof a godly man bell. 985 Goodnefs of God, two things (hew it. 882 Gofpel, where it comes makes a great change. 136, 137. Gospel -rain fent upon the Heathen, who are as a wildernefs. 210. Why God takes a- way the rain o f the Gofpel fromany place. 214. The Gofpel only gives both liberty and ability to repent of fin. 842 Grace, caged glory. 5 68 Grace preventing; God is aforeband withus. 699. Grace received may occafïon pride. 734. Entreats in grace,_is the ball encreafe. 995 Grafs- hopper his motion. 436. What the