Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE 'TABLE, Heart, thefief/9 of it, harder than the fle(h of any other part of the body. 751. Hardnefsof haart, threefold, Y Heaven, Ordinances of heaven oft5wo H forts. 25 t , what Laws or Ordinate-. set the heavensgtve the earth. 251. The heavens under a Law, in three re(peek. 252. The Ordinances of heaven are a fecret to man.252.1+e ferente fr m it, 253. Twat the do- minion of heaven is in the earth. 253, 254. Opinion of fame Aflro- namers about the dominion of the hea- vens. 255,25 6. Caution about this. 256, 257 Heaven, why called ,City. 339 Heliogabalus, achief difh at one ofbit great(uppers. 414 Heliotrope, a flower, why fo called. 254 Hermites, their way of lifenot appro- 767 vable, 336. Two cafes wherein we Hardfbip, good for Chriflians to inure may defire folitude. 3.36 themfelves to it. 769 Hinde, what the Hebrew word fign;- the Hebrew word for a Gralhop- perfsgni fietb, and why. 437 Great things cannot ordinarily be done by (mall means; God can, 665 Hail, what it is, 180. Godbathflore of hail and fnow, 180. Hail and fnow ufed by Clod, es his artsllery,to fight againfl evil men.' 190. Five Infe- rences from it, 192, 193 Happiness of eternal life made up of three things. 161 Hard dealing ; they that deal hardly with others, are hardned againll them. 406. They are very hard- hearted, who deal hardly with thofe that areyoung and tender. 407. To be hard to neer relations, is very un- natural. !408 Hardned inner, how like Leviathan. Harmony, or mufick, in the motion of the heavens, what. 273, 274 Harrow fpiritual, twofold. 36$ Hawk, what the Hebrew word figni- fts. 46g. Hawks file fwiftly long. 468. The Hawk bath her shill in dying from God, 470. Sun repre- fencedby the Hawk.47 2, A twofold refembiance of the Hawk, 47 3,474 Health, twofold, 683 Heart hard, power of God in foftning it. 230. why the fame word in Hebrew (igni'ries the,heart, and a PiElure, as n alto reck, fees, 3 t i. A twofold allufion ofthe Hinde. 311. How the number of their months is a ferret. 317. Hindes have forepain in bringing forth their 7young.32o, 421. 7hehelp fhe bath to that condition. 321, Inference from it, with refpell to seamen in tra- vel. 322 Hope in vain, threewayes. 682. Hope pests us upon abtion. 684. It is vain toaEl, when wefee no hope of Peters, 685. Two Inferences from it. 685. Loft hope is thegreateft lots. 686 270 Poïfe' fi`t' forts of Horfcs, 423. 7 ho