Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE TABLE The flrengtb of a boric Gods gift, 424. The ofGod in making fo flrong a creature ferviceable to man, 425, Five Inferences from the flrengtb of the boric. 425, 426. man very apt to truly in hot %s.427, What meant by thunder, with which bis neck, isPaid to be cloathed, 429, 430. The borie in bis rage is ter- rible. 434, How the motion of a horfe may be compared to thatof a Grafhopper. 436. Horfe a valiant bea.ff. 438. The Horfe, howan em- blem of a bold and hardnednner, 463. How the Hotle is an emblem of a bold Saint or fervant of God. 464 A ul truly humbled ad f madefenfible of fin, will do any thing at the command of God. 92®.921 Humility, the better we are, the lower thoughts we have of our¡cives. 516. The dealings of God with man, aim much at the humbling of bim. 5 17. Godfbews mofé favour where he fees moil humility. 519 . Two things humble as. 835. Agreat tryal of humility, what. 88o Hunger makes indu/Irious, 343, 484. Hunger after the Ward,whenfad,48 5 Hypocrite, like the Ofirich, infive par- ticulars, 395, 396 I Jackal, a little beaft,that israid to hunt the preyfer the Lion, 2Fo Ice,fee froft. Idolatry of the feztis, why voorfe than the idolatry of the Gentiles. 569 ; Jehovah, what it fignifetb, andwhy the Lord repeated bimslelf toJob by that name, in the hitter part of thisBook. 7, E. Ignorance, our ignorances are to be be- wailed and confeffed before god, grcd, Impatience floweth from ignorance:. 811- Impunity prefent, no affiorante of fa. ture indempnity. 186 Intercefsion of Cbrtit ever prevailing for us. 945,936 Iiaiah the Prophet, how andwhy put to death. 823 Ifbue of ailiions to be remembred before we alit. 679 Judge, two pates of a Judges office. 868 Judgemenr, God will bring every one to a reckoning, 28. Judgement -day will bring all things to light. 125. Judgement of God, why his provi- dential dealings are fo called. 5 39.ft is impoffble to flop or reverfe the judgement of God. 539, 54.o.Wben we do notfubmit to the judgement of God, we may be faid to reverfe it. 541 Mans pleas for his diffatesfa- Ilion with the judgement of God. 541,542 Ju(iice, to be donefpeedily. 134 Ju(lifie, he that is much in juflifying himfelf under the afflilting hand of God,feems to condemn God. 544, We fhould jul ifie God in all things,544, 545 Kings