Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE TABLE. K flings, refeenbled by the Lion in five thingc. 2óL Knowledge, we know not the all of any thing, or any thing fully. 159,16o Pertea knowledge our bappinefr in the next lift, i 6 t. Howknowledge is faid to vanifh in the next life.161, 162. Man byreafon of his fhort life bath little knowledge, 175. God, bath given irrational creatures a knowledgeof what is beat for their own prefervation. 472. god bath not concealed the knowledge, of him- felf, and of his mill, fromman. 724. Knowledge, /pled not only to igno- rance, bat toleffer degrees of know- ledge. 791. Knowledge, a growing thing. 792. A twofold encreafe to knowledge. 792. Experimental knowledge bell. 793. Affl:Etions 'a means to encreafe knowledge. 794. .rù a good degree of knowledge to confers we know little. 815. Oar profiting in knowledge is according to the meafure of Gods revealing himfelf to ue. 827. Knowledge of our (elves bumbleth we. 834 L Labour, food not to be had without la- bour. 366. Labour taken two ways inScripture. 373. Labour in vain, what and when. 410,41% Laughingat anything, 'hews we fliight it orfear it not. 765 Leviathan,wbat the word fgnifaes.668. What Leviathan is 668. Leviathans greatnefs.. 664. None upon earth like him in two things. 775* His pride. 78 t Liberty. See Freedom. Liberty better than plenty. 34.1 Life of man, fhortnefs of it, 46. Mans life nothingcomparatively. 48. Life fhort. 176. Two things as to our life, fhould humble us. 176. Long life a blefng. 1017. Why they before the Flood lived fo long. 1018. Sixcon. faderations, (hewing, that long life is ableffing. aor8. Long life in pro- fperity is agreat ble ins.. 1020 Light, God the Author of it. 118. Light wonderful,infive refpelic, i 19, 120. what light is, hard to fay. I zo. Light, howufeful. 12J. Light-, how comfortable. 122. Eight Infe- rences from it. i 22, 123. Light of the Clofpel, howgreat a mercy. 12ç. Light fwift, prefently fpreads itfelf all over the faceof the earth. a30, 131. Wicked men hate light. 133. Light difcovers. 133, 134, Light, how it makes .a change in things. t36 Light, where it dwelleth, how are - fweredby Geogra hers,how byAftro- roomers. 164. Light and darknefs have their bound, their appointed places. 167. What is the place . of fpiritual light and darknefe. 161, 168. Light and darknefs, whether natural or figurative, are at Gads difpofe. 169,170. The workof god in ordering light and darknefs iswon- derful,