Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE TABLE. derful, Awed feveral wages, 17z, 172. Four thingsconfcderable in the light. 196. Light, bow parted.197= 198. Goddifpencetb light where be pleafeth. 198 Lightning at the command of God. 262 Limbus patrum, what. 152 Line, what theji?retchingof itforth fig- nifits in Scripture, (hewed in four things. 62, 63 Lion,be bearsfour refemblarces inScrs- ¡turf. 282, 283. Lion is greedy of prey. 226. god provides prey for Lions. 287. Two Inferences from it, 288, 289 Locuffs, why fo called. 9437 Love, it arsfetb from likeneJr. 3o1. Love, all duty mull be done in love to Godand man. 918,919 Loyns, girding ofthem,what it imports. 34. di fourfold rife of girding the loyns. Lurdane,who, and why called4365 fo Lefts ofinners flick cleft together like Leviathans fcalts. 736 M Majeffy proper to Kings. 567. God is full of majeffy. S7o. what that Mould work in man. 57 a, 573. The majeffy of' God isfrcm himfelf;mans fromGod. 574 Majefty ofman lit tle to Gods. 575 Maker, God loves tobe ownedasa Ma- ker. 633 Man, to doa thing like a man, what it fgni fieth. 36. Man is vile,andhow. See Vile. Mailers, :of twofarts. 16 Mazaroth, what. 247 Meats, feveralforbidden theJews, and why. 467,468 Meeknefs in dealing with others, an imitation of God. 87z 7 Merchants in Hebrew called Cana- anites, and ruby, 675 prevails with fanners, More than wrath, 922- Miffs alwayes accompaniedwith calms, why, 103 Money, why erpreffed in the Hebrew, bya word which fsgnifses a Lamb or Sheep. 971 Months, meafuredby the Moon or Sun, their difference, , 316 Moon, the power of it upon earthly things. Morning, God (hould have morning or earlypratfesandfervices. S8, Morn- ing lagbt, why the clearefl light is expreffedby it, feting noon light is clearer. 41 Mother -Father, by whom God wafo called, andwhy. 227 Mouth, what meant by laying the band upon it. 521 Mufcovia, thefudden change therein the Spring. 232 Mufculus,a littleffh, the whales guide. 676 N Names, it isa duty to give names to our children. 999. Parents do well, when they give names to their chil- dren, which may mind them of the providenceofGod to them, Ioo3. It is