Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE TABLE. isgood togive names exciting to dot- ty and vortue. 1005 Nature, courfe ofnature keeps time con- /lantly. I17. Nature is content with a little. 335, 336. It is hard to change nature. 360 Neck, fluff-neck, what it fgniftes in Scripture. 745 Neefing, what, and bowcaged. 739. Nee ing a good fign of two things. 739 Neighing of °a Harp , like thunder. 432 New -birth, feeBirth. O Obedience, we fhould yeild readyobe- dience to all the commands of Gad. 263. Fall and compleat obedience, what. 9t3. We muff obey without difputes or delays, when god com- mands. 915. The manner, as well as the matter of obedience, what, 918 Occafon, we /could be watchful over that which bath beenan occafion or, infrument of fin. 521 Oecolampadius hisdying fpeech about Tight. 168 Old age when a bleffîng. Ioor9. Old age ufually accompanied with many infirmities. 102I. God can make old age comfortable. T021. Old age and death cannot befar afunder. 1 027. Some old menwould beyoung again. 1030 Onanipotency of God, or that be can do a8 things, how to be underflood. 790. Gods omnipotencylimited by bis will. Inference from it. 796. That God can do whatfoever be will- erh, a two-fold etfe ofit. 797 Opportunity, agatefor *lion. 457 Orion, the nature of that conflellation. 241, 242. Ornaments and jewels may be worn, 974. Four cautions about wearing them. Oftrich five ways defcribed. 385. ORrich why expreffed by a word which /ignifees a feather. 393. The evennefs of her feathers the embleme ofju/lrce. 395. The Qftrich re fem- 61es ahypocrite infive things. g95, 396.7 hat theOftrich,afooli(b bird, loath fach fine feathers, three infe- rences fromit 39S. Her eggs great and ufeful, yet floe carelefs of them. 400. Somegive two reafons why fhe leaves her eggs in the duff, which agree not to the text. 401. Her eggs many. 405. How fhe is hardned again , and hardneth her young ones. 405. The Oi}rie!', how laid to be without fear, though a very fearful creature. 411. Ulrich bath little brain, and is very deaf. 414, 415. Her fwiftnefo in running, a Proverb. 419 P Pagan may deny Cbriff, but cannot deny . a God. 722 Pain and frrow in the creatures bring- ingforth young anrffelof fin, 320 Pambo his confefan about keeping the S f l f f f songtee