Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE TABLE. tongue. 5 21 Patience of God. 185. Patience and guietnefs in every condition, why. 17e, 171. Peace }hallen to make peace with God. 194 Peacock, beautiful and proud. 386. what the Hebrew word fignifieth. 387. Proud men like the Peacock fhewedin fix things, 391,392 Pcgafus, what. Pity, fhould be /hewed to thea idled. 965 Place, a two-fold place of every man decreed. 104. Good for all to keep their places. 104,105,127 Play, A playing life, the life ofa beaft. 644 Pleafure, Godgives manfume creatures for pleaftere. 470. Some difpleafe God mo}E when they are taking their pleafare, efpecially Falconers. 470 Pleiades, what. 236. Their /watt in- fluence, what. 237 Pliny, bon complaint of intemperance and luxury. 188 Plowing before lowing, both in anatu- ral and fpiritualfen.fe. 367 Power ofGod mighty. 547. Hein far God fheweth or putteth forth hie polder. 5 5 o. Inferences from it. 55.2. Tbs power of man is nothing to the power of God. 55,4. Pow- er of man not to be ;ruffed for any good it can do us, nor feared for any hurt it can do us. 555,556. Power of God to be much meditated upon in two cafes. 517. Power, two-1 fold. 717 Praife due to godfor thework of crea- tion upon feveral accounts. 56, 57, Livelefs creature; praife God four mays,79 Then men fhóuld much more. 80. God íhould bepraifed at the farff appearance of any great work, 88. Praife, angelical work, 89 Prayer obtains rain. 26e. We may pray for all that God bath promifed. 551. God gives beyondour prayers. 55r. The power of god Amid en- courageas in prayer. 553. Senfeof wants , puts us upon prayer. 819. Prayer prevails much with God, not only for our /elves, but for others. 89o. Prayers of others may prevail with God for tes, when our own can- not. 891. Prayers of good men for Ill a great mercy. 892. How pray- er for another loth not profit, unlefs he be good. 893, 894. Pray- ers of good men, though over-bold, yet gracioufly anfwered. 9. Neceffl- ty puts meer Nature upon prayer. 302. Ifwe would have, we muff ask of, and pray to God. 303. Prayer, what it ù.936. Agodly man ready to pray for others , and prays fome- times more for others thanfor him- felf 937. Vneven walkings binder prayer in a two-fold refpetb. 937, 938. Prayer for unkind friends, yea, for enemies, a duty, and very pleating to God. 938, 939, 941 What and whole prayer pleatng to God. 94.2. Seven things in prayer make it fopleahug to God. 943 Preparation to duty needful, efpeciatly PQ~