Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE TABLE. to great duties. 370536 Prefervation ; God hath given all creatures means to preferve them- [elves. 635 Pride; finefeathers makeproud birds, and men too; 390. See, Peacock; Much pride in the heart of man. 5o6. Pride a very provoking fin, (hewed four ways. 585, 586. What any one is proudof, maybecalled his pride. 731. There is a kind of pride in bruites. 733. Great at- taroments and injoyments occafon pride. 733 l' ìeflly Office, twoparts ofit. 888 /miles made by God ¡hall furely be. performed. 924. Promifes of two forts. 925 Proprietor, God is fo of all things in the world, by a four-fold title. 7o5, Thirteen inferences from it. 706, 707, 708 Profperity of bad men fhould not offend good men. 398 Prcud men, bow Gods eye upon them. 579. God calls down the proud. 579, 580. God can eafaly do it y8 r . Inferencesfrom it. 582. Who may be called proud. 582, 583. Proud ones , why not to be feared nor envied. 584, 585 what proud j ones de. 585. Proud andwicked the I fame. 588, 59e. The true know -I ledge of God, and of our felves, will keep down pride. 835 Providence of Godgoverns 411.5 3. We fhauld refd in hi difpofalofthings, 5 3. Providences of.God cannot:kalte - red by to stn, 244: Providence ex- tended to meanefi creatures. 302, 314. Providence preferves that which is left_ in danger. 403. Pro- vidences /hall at lagappearfriers. 505. Providential works ofGod beautiful and orderly. 72 Purgatory, what. 152 Pythagoreans opinion of Mufrsk, made by the motion of the heavens. 273 Q öueflions, which inScripture fsgnifie rebuke and contempt. 22, 23. Thefe queflions, what is man ? and who art thou ? what they import in Scrip- tore. 29 R Rain ordered and diflributed by God, 103, 204. Rain fent to places un- inhabited. 206. And why. 207. Godbath rain enough in [tore for all places. 213. who thefather of rain? four reafons why God propounded that queflion to Job. z17. God alone is the father of the rain. 214, 219. Four inferences from it. 220, 221 , Rain got by prayer. 26o. God only ftayeth the clouds from raining.274. He knows when the earthhall bad rain enough. 277 Ravens, why the killing of themnear Cities is prohibited. 294. The fìg- nifZcataon of Hebrew and Greek words. 295. the raven provided for by, ÿod..296.. How their y00000g Siffff z onás