Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE TABLE. ones cry toGod, (hewed three ways. 299. Whence it is that old ravens neglea to feed their young ones. 300 Reafon, mans natural reafon is thegilt of .God. 267 Reconciliation to tbofe whom we have wronged, neceffary. 8 86. what we rauft do for our reconciliation to God and man. 9z.) Rejoycing at the good of others very good. 91. We are apt to rejoyce tr, that wherein we excel. 443. We should rejoyce in nothing but God. 443. Relations ; when nearenatural rela- tions leave ice, Clod will not. 304 Not to take care of relations, bow unnatural. 408, 409 Repentance, fee fin. Bad men think of repentance in eminent dangers.758. 'tie aduty to repent in times of dan- ger 759 Repentance or repenting why expraffed en the Hebrew by a word fignifyinl both grief and joy. 83o, 83r. Repentance bath a two- fold change in it. 8; I. Repenting in duff and afbes, what it implieth. 832. Tree repentance io joyned with felf-abhorrence: 855. Five in- ferences from it. 839. What repen- tance is, opened and described in four things. 84I. 842. New fins call for new repentings. 845. Open fins essuft have open repentance. 847. True repentance ends in joy three Brays. 849. Repentance an God what. . 929 Reproving iroplietb imc things. 507.1 There are two forts of reproving commendablc,andaduty. 5oß. Re- proof not to be deferred. 85 5 Reward, of wrath. 95o Rewarder, God is a bountiful reward- er of his fervants. 949. He re- wards both for doing and fuffering, 958. Inferences from it, 95 I Rhinoceros, what kind of beaft. 346. Two things noted of him. 317 Rhodians, how they honoured the San,, and why. 123 Riches, why faid to make themfelvet wings like an Eagle. 475 Righteoufnefs, no ftanding before God inour own righteoufnefs.695. How oar righteoufnefs is to be ,abhorred. 836. Why a repenting perfonabhors it, 538 S Sacrifice mail be offered by a Priest. 88r.Sacrifices forfin wereappoint- ed by god, not deviled by man. 883, Every fin muff have a facrifice. 884. Why the facrifice was called fin. 884. why (even bollocks, &C. Sometime commanded for facrifice. 885 Safety tobe fought onh ioh. 419. Na- ture teacheth ers to provide for it. 482 Salt land, the fame with barren land in Scripture. 3 3 3 Salvation, neither corporal nor fpiretual by man, 598. God can fave alone. 599. Three inferences . from it.eoo. To fiveby a felf-power the foie pre- rogative