Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

1 E T A B 'L E. rogative of God. 6o!. 7o imagine ¡ 873,874. Six things fhewing,who that we can lave our /elves, how fin- i are Gods fervants. 8742875 ful, prod in four things. G(ot, Service fhould be done willinglyboth to 6.)2. I God and man. 358. Service (hould S,tisfziion,,what it is. 2 1 1 1 be rewarded. 363 Scriptures have dark places in them, Seven, a number of per feE ion. 873 'yet are not dark. 30 Sight fpiritual of Divine truths, notes. Sea, a twofold rjlreoint of it. . Two three things. 8z6. Sight of any forts of tea- doors. 96. What the thing whichwe much defire pleafeeb womb is out of which the fea brake. ! us much. 654. Sight of the eye a 96. Sea, bow it refembles God on clearer evidence than hearing. 822 four things. 99. The world, in three things. 99.100. The heart of man in three things. too. god rules the fea as eafly as a Nurfe the Child. 102. The Lord Lath made a place for the lea. i o }. Doors and bars of the fea,what. r ®;. The fea left to it felf would overflow all. ro7. God only keeps the fea in compafs. 1c 8, 1o9. Inferences from it. r to. e.,1 fivefold metaphorical fea, to which the Lord puts bounds. The lea ex- ceeding deep. 148. The lea anem- bleam of obfcure and hidden thongs. 149. Three wonders in the filh of the feu. 664 Seaton, the Lord appears in the.!fitte.tb feafon. 6. We fhould do all in fea- fon. 248) 85 S Secrets, - nothing a fecret to God. 149. Secrets, fome,mman muff not leach into. 156 Seed taken two ways. 4,26 Self-fufficiency of God. 700, Comfort and inflruc`fion flowing from it 701i702 Sery or; boneHrable 1) IsGods fervant. 373. Profitable and cafe to be Silence two-fold. 754 Sin deprives as of God, 14o. Great finshaflen judgment. 141. A good man may fin often, but be will not take leave to fin once. 524. Sin heartily repented of is not pertfled in, 525. Sin dangerous. 680. It is a vain thing to fin. 685. They who venture upon fin are cruel to them- !elves. 692. No /landing before god in fan. 696. Sinmakes god and many creatures terrible to us. 730. Two thingsPhew the greatnefs of fin. 885. Sinners obfiinate make war with God. 187. Sinners punifliedwith that which is molt croft to their luflr. S92 Sinning witha highhand,wbat. 141 Singing a partlof wor fhhip, anexprefton of Joy- 78 Smoak, what it' ic. -le 742 Snow, by whom ftrfl tied to cool btu drink. 1St Solitude, or a folitary life, when to be chi en. 6 Solf+ices, when. 33 s 127 ScuI; whymans glory; 6 i9 South