Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE TABLE. South, why the Hawkflretchetb her wings to the South 471 . The Alle- gorical fenfe of it. 471472 Speaker , two things the grace of a fpeaker. 32 ' Spears, of two forts. 76 z. Spirit, a threefold- work of the Spirit; upon the foul of man. 239 Stag or Hart, two things obferved of himby Naturalifls. 211, 21 2 Stars, morning_ -fears, why fo.called. 76. In what fence fats may be faid to fing. 78, Three wayes theyfing. 79 God bath planted a vertu; in the fiats. 238. No man can flop the vertue or influences of the liars, from falling upon the earth, 239. Two Inferences from it. 239, 24e. Influences of the liars, eu beneficial to man as their light. 24a. The liars bave their feafons ofappearing, appointed them by. God. 23.7. e4'n Inference from it, 248. 7 he flats baveaguide. 250 Stewards, how all are fo. 28 Stork, good andfull of pity, as her name in the Hebrew fignifies. 393 Strength, great lirength needful for great werk 367. great firength may dogreat work, 367. Some have great firength, yet not to be crafted witlany work. 370. How firength maybe crafted. 370. Three forts of men to beconfidered, with refpeît to firength. 370, 37t. Awillingmind better than great firength. 375 Strength is of God. 424. Great firength makes us joyful in farrows. 748 Subrniffion,twofold, 887, How wemuß fubmit even to inferiours whomwe have wronged. 887 Suffe;iu , we have no car f to fear lofs by fuffering for Chrift. 9 52 Sun, the lightof it wonderfully exten- five and diffufive. 130. Sun, why galled the Father of the wind,. 5 99. Thepower of theSun upon the earth. 254. Why the Egyptians pillared a Hank to reprefent the Sun, five rea- foes of it. 472 Sucablenels of any thingto as, is the caufeof delight. 295.340 Swadling-band of the Sea, what, tot Sword bath a terribleface, 49.8,Sivord ofGod, any thing that he ufeth to de- f royby. 637 T Teaching of God neceffary, elfe mans profitethnot. 16,820. Gods teaching is effeíçual for all parpofes, (even e- fpccially, 82 t Ternptatior., Satan tempts Of much to two things. 509 Terror, good men may fometimes fee the terrible appearances of God. s 32. God will not ceafe them,till he bath brought man tohis purr re, 53 2. The terror of God againfl the wick ed. 534,72g Thoughts of man all known to God. S03. Three Inferencesfrom it. 804. Eight forts of thoughts to be taken heed of. Bag Thundef andligbtningorderedby God. 265. To thunder, what ¡t fegnifietb in