Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE TABLE. in Scripture. 558. A thunder or mighty power goeth out in a tenfold voice of God. 559)560 -Time, all creatures keep time better than man. I I 8, I28. Time weakens the ftronge.£i earthly creatures. 291 Tongue, why called the glory of man. Sta, 569. Tongue bard to be ruled, 521, 522. Trees, force lovewatrygrounds, others dry. 645 Treafures or Treaturies of any thing, what they import. 178,179 Trouble loath its time, 185. Times of trouble are fpecially known to, and appointed. by'God. 185. God can make a time of trouble, either ter- rible or comfortable. 189 Trutt, what may begiven to flrength, what not. 370. Three things requi- red in tholewe tuft with any bet/i- nefs. 374. Truci in man, or in any meer creature, a threefold evil ifue of it. 555 a Vile, to be vile, noter three things. 51 i. Man at bell bell eflate is vile. 512. Man is vile in three refpePto. 513, Four Inferencesfrom it. 513, 514. Themore god reveals bimfelf to its, the more our vilenefs appears to Ns. 5i8 Vifitation, twofold. 144 Uaderflanding, to know it the work of it. 57. The underftanding is the mafier-wheel turning all thefaculties of the foul, 57. Underflanding fhould go beforefpeaking. 58, Howì irrational creatures may be fail to have underftanding. 414 Unicorn, what the Hebrewwordfignifi- eth. 346. Some deny . that there is any fetch beast in the world. 347. He is very tlrong. .367. Unicorn, by whomand in what .refembled.380, 381 Union, a threefold union or joyning to- gether in one, very pleating to God. 914 Unity among the Miniflers of the Gof- fpel, how defirable, 86, 87, Unity a great means of fafety. 735 Voice of God, a tenfold voice of God exceeding powerful. 5 59, 560 W War, a day of battei and war, is emi- nentlya day of trouble. 187 Water in theclouds divided to the earth as Godpleafeth. 203. The Lord or- ders the waters in four refpei s. Whales cafl upon unufual coatis, are a warning to them. 783 Whirlwind, what. I a. Three opinions concerning the whirlwind, oat of which god anfwered Job. II, why god anfwered Job out of a whirl-' wind. 12, 13. Wicked menhave a titleto good thtngsó 139. They fhall be broken, though high and llrong.142. They are like the Hawk. Ito three things. 474 Wicked, who in a largefenfe, who in aflritl fenfe.587,588.Thewicked fhall come to a fad conclufross, 593.' God will at laff rid the world of pricked