Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

THE TABLE. wickedmen. 599., No outward ad- vantage fhall fecure the wicked from mifcbief. 595 Wiidernefs,of twoforts. 212)7 Will, a kind of will in beaffs. 3s8. Service fhould be done with the will. 3 58. , Awilling mind loth much. 375 Will of God,the foundation of the earth, and of all things. 5 2, 53 Will of eí godly man again£f all fin. 526 Winds under the command of God.209. The way of the IA, ind a fecret. tot Wings of the morning, what. 029 Wifdom, where the (eat of it in man.! 267. Common wifdom is of God.' 268. Six Inferences from it. 268, 260. God makes one man differ froth another in wifdcm and unierfland ing, 416. A great mercy to have wifdom, infix things. 416, 417 Wolf, evening wolf, why fa called. i7' Womb, what the womb is out ofwhich the Sea i fuel. 96, 07 Wordof God is, and bow it is the de- terminer of tontroverfees. 17. Word to be beard with reverence. 19. Word of Godbeard, a great mercy. 825. Word to de beard with dili- gence. 825. Afourfoldwork of the Word. 844. .Word of God how powerful to effeEi what bewilleth. 115 Words,fume light, others weighty.5 t i Words fhould give light to things fpoken of. 27. Darkning words very bad. 28. Wordsfoft andbard. 670, A few words willpleafe God, where he f ees much faith, 788.Our word s and underflandings fhould go toge. rher. 812 Works of God, how dangerous tofind . fault with any of them. 5o8, 5o9. he works, efpecially the great works of God, are verymuch to be con fidered. 607. Worksof God,wby called bis wayes. 624. They are wonderful. 316 World, the frame of it very beautiful. 64 6t . Things of the world, how Ikea Sea of glee/s. 231 Worfhip , outward and inward nsufi be according to the commandof God. 918 Wrath of god. 578. Sin caufeth the kindlings and ehfcoveries of wrath. E60 God fametimes declareth againfi thofewhom he loveth. 86t. God de- declares the cattle of his wrath. 86i Wrongs muff be forgiven. 887. a godly man is ready, both to give and take fatis(al/ion in safe of wrong. 888. It is a duty to pray for thofe that have done us wrong. 889 X Xerxes his vanity in attempting to bind Ithe Sea, log Youth, what young ones are ufed to, they bold long. 487 A