to Chap. 38. r`fn 1 .rpofîtton upon the Boer af J o Vet g tiers may be tale fame ; oncly it is here expreff in different terms, to fhewthe exa&tnefs of the Lords proceeding, and the acc ratenefs of his providing for the due ordering of the unruly child the fea. And that the lea had at firí' fuch a lwadling- band,we find ( Gen. i. z.) Darknefs was upon the face of thedeep. Hence , Pir(f, From the hurpofe of the Spirit of God , as we may well conceive , in reprefenting the fea in fuch a drefs, a child in ftvadling- bands; Note Godcan as eafily rule and bind the fea (a vafi bulky body) as a mother or a nitric can bind a little infant in fi'adlrog.. bands. And fitrely the Spirit of God would have Otto takenotice; that though the fea, be indeed loch a giant, fuch a mon(fer, as will make a heatt of oak (hake, or a heart of brats melt, yet what is it to God , but an infant ? he can bind it and lay it to fleep, e- ven as a little child. And if the great lea be in the hand of God as a little child , what isgreat to God ! and how great is God ! What is ffrong to God ! and how (lrong is God ! What or is too great, or too flrong for God to deal with ? Cannot God, who hash fwadled the turbulent lea, provide fwadlinb bands to wrap tip the fioufeff and mart turbulent fpirits of this world ? fob .p:aking of himfelf, wondered that God (hould deal fo with him (chap. 7. t za) Am I a Sea or a Whale , that thou fetted a watchover me ? The fea is a boifferous creature , and had need be watched ; .9m I aSea or a Whale, laid Job ? Though a man be as a fea or a whale , God can watch him , and bind him from doing mifchief. Therefore fear not any power of the creature , though a great lea , while your behaviour is good ; but fear the Lord , whobinds the tea to its good behaviour. Nations are be. lore him but at thedrop ofa backet (Ifa. 40.r 5,) ANation confi- dered in it fclf, is a mighty tea , much more The Nations, which indefinite is univerfal , taking in all Nations; yet theyare all but as the drop of a bucket: and how eafily can we difpofe a the drop of a bucket ? Even fo eafily can God difpofe of thofe who are as the fea in opinion and appearance. Secondly,