Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

To theChrif'danReader. creatures, both for the continuanceof theirfpe_ tiesor kinds, and the prefervation of their in dividuals or particulars, couldnot poffibly caft of the careof man-kind, nor of him in particu- lar, no nor put any man to anyhardfhip orfufer- ing, but for.fosnegreat end or ends, glorious al- ways to himfelf, and in the Omgood for the wife and patient fuf ferer. He vas al fo convin- ced, that himfelfnot well underftanding the nay- fteries ofprovidence (nor indeed could any more fully underftand them, than he did the spyfteries ofcreation,or the manner howGod laidthefoun- dationsof the earth, andPhut up the fea with doors ; he, Ifay, not well underftanding themy- ,cries of providence, was convinced that he) haddonevery ill, to make fuch long and loud complaints about it, that is, about the feverity ofGods dealings with him; as if like an enemy he intendedbina nothing but pain andforrow,by thepains andforrows whichhe endured. Thus, at laft, Job began to fee, that as being himfelfGods creature ; Godmight do with him what he pleated ; and, that God, being his abfoluteSave raign,conld not wronghim, what- everhe was pleated to do with him : fo that, forafmuch as God was fo carefulof, andkind to thole inferior,, reafonlefr creatures, there was b no