Chap. 38. n E .'potion upon the Bookof J o a. Verf. r i i t a and no further : yet how do the men of the world over-flow and break their bounds ! The prophet makes this application clear- ly (Jer. 5. 22, 13. ) Fearye not me, faith the Lord ? will ye not trembleat my prefence ? which have placed the fand for the bound of the fea, by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pair it; and though the waves thereof tofo themfelves , yet can they not prevail ; though they roar , yet can they not pafo over it : but thispeople hash a revolting and a rebelitons heart , they are revolted and gone. As if he had said , The fea doth not revolt againft my command , hoc this people dohs; they are more unruly than the tea. All ?he wicked,at heft, are like the troubled fea, that cannot reff (as the Píophet (peaks, Ifa. 57.20.) How much woofer then are they than the lea, when they are at worfi ? Lafily , We may hence infer for our comfort ; If the Lord bath put bounds to the natural lea, what unnatural tea is there, towhich the Lord cannot put bounds ? There is a five-fold me- taphorical lea , to which the Lord hathPaid, hitherto ¡halt thou' come, and no further : Or , at leafs , he bath Paid , though thou come hither , thou (halt come no further. This the Lord bath faid , Firf}, To the tea of mans wrath. The wrath of man is a grie- vous tea, and of that David faith (Pfal, 76, io.) The wrath of man ¡hall praife thee , the remainder of wrath [halt thou reftraino -Let men be asangry as they will, let thembe as fiormy as a tea; yetthe Lordbath Paid , hitherto (hall ye come, and no further r For (PÍal. 65.7,) He ftilleth the noife of the fear, the nofe of their -waves , and the tumult of the people, Yea, great men raging like the lea , are fometimes flops byvery (mall matters filch as the tea-(ands. TheChief-priefi and Elders of the people, were offended at Cbtifi , and therefore quebioned his Authority ; forbare toant roer his quefiion, as they had mot} mind to do. it for fear of the people ((%lfatth. 21. 23, zi.) Secondly , He bounds the fea of the devils rage. The devil is a tea inbonds. We read of a fpecial thoufand years , wherein it is prophefied that Satan (hall bebound (Rjv. zo. ì.) yet in- deed he is alwayes bound , elfe no man could live a quiet hour for him, nor have any refs fromhis furious temptations and vexa- tions a but his prokfied Haves and votaries. Thirdly;