Chap. 38. c..fn Expo/ttion upon the Book òf Joe. Verf. a/. a.27 called June; or when it defcends to the Winter Soiflice,: at which time the day is fhorteft, and the night longea , as about the eleventh of our December. To which we may add the Sunk coming in its afcending courfe to the middle point of the hea- vens , which makes the Vernal Equinox , at which time theday and night are of anequal length, as about the eleventh of our March ; as allo the Suns coming,in its defcendìng courfe,to the o- ther middle point of the heavens, which makes the Autumnat Equinox , at which time the day and night areagain of an equal length, as about the eleventh of our September. Now according to all thefe variations of the Suns motion, the day-fpring varietn its place day by day ; and the Lord enquires cf job, how this comes to pals ; Haft thon caufed the day-fpring to k -ow its place ? No, 'Lis 1 that have made the day-fpring to know its place , I haveappointedit thofe feveral Rages where it (hall rife to day, and where tomorrow,and where every day throughout the year this is from my contrivement and appointment , not from thine. Raft thog caufed the dayfpring to know its place ? Hence Note ; Firi , It is the Lord , who appoints every creature its proper place. Thebeauty of the world , is from the order of the vvorld; and that every creature knows its place , makes the whole creation amiable. TheWorld is expreffed in Greek by aword noting the beauty , and order of it. And that which renders the creatures not onely beautiful but ferviceable toman is the order they are placed in. The Sun keeping its appointed courfe , makes Summer at one time , and Winter at another. The Sun ever moves in (unlefs flayed by miracle,as in Jofhua's time) but never moves out of its place. As no creature isburdenfome, fo there's no creature unferviceable, whenkept in its place, as was further (hewed (verf. ae.) Note Secondly, Thecomrfe oftimes and feafons is firmly and inviolablyfetled by thecommand of God. This fettlement Was made in die Creation (sen. i.' .) And when zootx. `o:.